Scarab Beetles

In the spirit world, the scarab beetle’s a sign of inner fortitude. By definition inner fortitude is the strength of mind enabling a person to encounter danger, bear pain or adversity with courage. Some good examples of great fortitude would be not taking the easy way out, having the strength to bear misfortune and/or pain calmly and patiently and with courage, and never giving up no matter how difficult any situation may get. Therefore, in the land of spirituality and especially while on ones journey, whenever you’re facing discouragement the Universe sends you the scarab beetle to inspire you to keep going. Well no wonder I’ve been seeing a lot these last couple years lol.

I also associate this beautiful beetle with my mother. Yes my mother. I’ve said it from the get go that my mom comes in the form of bugs too. Not just any bug, but beautiful ones and she so kindly joined me for lunch the other day. Believe it or not, passed on loved ones are able to use their energy to go inside bugs or insects for brief periods of time. It’s common to see the energy of your passed on loved ones in the form of lady bugs, beetles, dragon flies, butterflies and birds. Some spirits make themselves known and present long after they’ve passed and if you’re lucky and tuned in they’ll let you know by using the ability of touch.

Let me tell you another really cool mom showing up as a pretty beetle story. It was on one of my visits home at my parents house and Taylor, a family friend, was coming over to hang out. That morning when I called upon my Angels and Spirit Guides, I specifically asked for a sign during the visit. Taylor and my dad are both nonbelievers so I was eager for some kind of proof. Honestly I thought maybe some flickering lights or a unknown sound from the other side of the house (I’ve experienced both of those on separate occasions) maybe, something, anything. Well, all three of us were sitting out back in my moms, at the time, beautiful garden conversing over a glass of wine. My mom loved her garden and glasses of wine too, she loved sitting out there in the evenings staring at her garden.

As we’re chit chatting in flies this beautiful green beetle and lands right on the rim of my glass. No biggie, right? That beetle hung out for probably ten minutes or so. Maybe that’s dramatic but it was long enough for me to know damn well that was the sign I asked for. Convincing two nonbelievers it was my mom was a long shot as you can imagine but I didn’t care because I knew it was and that’s all I did care about. If you truly are a believer, all you have to do is ask for a sign. It’s that simple. It may not come right way like mine did that day, sometimes it takes a couple days or perhaps a week. But if you’re patient and know in your heart the after life is real, you will get it.

Love and Light