Sedna & City Of Angels

Mercury stations direct today, thank goodness. I don’t know if anyone else felt it but for me the month of April moved like molasses and it’s not even over yet. I do believe all the planets are direct which hopefully will get this eclipse ball rolling. Fun fact about the eclipse I just learned, we will be feeling the effects of it for roughly four and half years. Apparently we feel the effects in years as the actual minutes it was in totality and on the 8th that’s about how long it lasted, which is actually longer than usual.

Another fun fact, the dwarf planet Sedna moves into Gemini right about now too which is pretty cool, I just learned the mythology of Sedna ruling over the underworld and the sea. It tells the story of her giving away her sovereignty by marrying her father who cut off her fingers so she couldn’t climb back into the canoe in order to save himself in the midst of a storm. Plunged to the bottom of the ocean in all her anger and betrayal her fingers became sea life, the myth of creation describes the origins of the sea animals. It also depicts the harsh environment of the underworld and how through time she was then able to transmute all her negative emotions. Her story is one of power, transformation and the consequences of human actions. Holy shit balls that sounds like mine lol. I like mythology, I heard someone say once upon a time, just like the Marvel movies, they too carry a lot of truth in ’em.

Sedna is a dwarf planet beyond the scope of our solar system and is known for its extensive orbit of over 11,000 years, that’s how long it takes to go around the sun. She spends significant amounts of time in each astrological sign and is moving into the sign of Gemini where she’ll stay for 43 years. Gemini is about logic, intelligence, reasoning, language, what we think and what we communicate about. I find it very interesting and can only imagine what the future will bring with this energy especially with all our technological advancements.

We actually don’t know what to expect as we have yet to experience what Sedna’s got to deliver, the last time she was in Gemini was over 11,000 years ago. I can’t help but wonder since it’s all about the sea, I can’t help but speculate it might have something to do with Atlantis. Listen, if you’re not willing to open your mind when it comes to understanding the origins of our existence then you’re certainly not ready for an awakening because nothing in this world we call ours is what it seems, nothing.

I was called to watch City of Angels and what a fantastic movie that is. I won’t spoil the ending for those who haven’t seen it but what should’ve been a tear jerker, for me wasn’t. Death doesn’t really bother me anymore, maybe bother isn’t the right word but now that I know it truly is a transition to a better place I’m okay with it. Sure it’s sad to lose the presence of a loved one but death is such a natural part of life, it’s the cycle of life. For me death is rebirth, literally and metaphorically. I may not remember what it’s like to transition but I know it’s a beautiful thing, just one of those knowing’s. I also know sitting bedside and watching my brother do it, it changed me. It changed the way I see death.

The movie was more confirmation on Earth Angels and for that I say thank you. There were scenes where the angels would touch someone on the shoulder to alter their actions or their thoughts and I can say with confidence I’ve experienced that more often than not. We all do I just have an awareness of it now. Make no mistake, awareness along with sensitivity are superpowers. I love it when I get confirmations especially little nuggets from Spirit, my last compilation goes something like this…

When the time is right you will be undeniable. Your gifts will be unexplainable. Until then you are to be of service while in lesson, you are a very special volunteer. Be patient.

I recently watched a video on the three waves of volunteers after the eclipse and I can’t help but resonate deeply with all three waves. I’ve mentioned before that I feel as though I’m on an everything journey and that’s putting it mildly. I often wonder if part of my reason for being here has something to do with helping people transition on a soul level.

Speaking of confirmations and angels, and my brother, I was looking through a scrapbook my mom made. She gave it to me many moons ago, I don’t even know how long ago but it’s been a while. It’s basically pictures from my birth all the way through high school and maybe a little after. It’s pretty much priceless. It’s got every single one of my high school dances which is awesome because I wouldn’t have those pictures today otherwise.

And I’ll tell you what, I’ve looked through this album many of times and had never caught this card, or at least it never really caught my attention the way it did yesterday. Spirit never seizes to amaze, for real. How she even had this card is beyond me but whatever, that’s what makes the beauty of it all so magical. It’s simply magical. Now that I’m thinking about my brother we are just about at the year mark in which he left this planet. Hard to believe it’s been that long already. It’s like I like to say though, it’s not forever it’s just for now and until we meet again.




I love you John Henry


Happy birthday Erin Jean.

Love and Light