Seeking God

Seeking God is something I went to bed thinking about and woke up with it even heavier on my mind so it’s something I feel compelled to write about. Never stop seeking God, and if you aren’t familiar with God at all then start seeking Him. It is another reason, if not the main reason we’re here. Spirituality has been kept somewhat hidden from us for far too long. Spirituality is an intimate relationship with the Divine and is one of the gifts of an awakening.

Whatever God means to you. Source. Our Creator. Mother/Father God. God is not human, over time we have somehow humanized God. God is not human. God almost can’t even be defined in human terminology, God is bigger than anything we can even try to imagine with our human brains. I know I’m constantly seeking what God is and what God means to me. If my experiences and my blog can help at least one person know that there is a power so much greater than anything we could possibly comprehend that loves us so much, loves us unconditionally, and wants nothing but the best for our lives, for our soul growth and for our journey, then everything I write about is all worth it. It’s why we’re here.

Everything I experience, positive and negative in one way or another brings me closer to God, to Source, to our Creator. I don’t try and figure out exactly what God is because I don’t have to. I know that there is a power so much greater than me that knows exactly what I’m doing and where I’m at and has a thankless, selfless job of making sure I get to where I’m going because at the end of the day all I want to do is get closer to that unconditional love. I want to embrace and embody all that unconditional love and learn how to be a better human, not just for me but for humanity.

I know it starts with me. We can’t have a balanced and harmonious world until we all strive for that inner balance and inner peace within ourselves. When I sign up for adventures like the one I’m about to embark on this weekend, that’s what I’m doing, I’m searching for ways to better myself so I can one day teach it to others who are seeking the same thing. I have to go through all the negative lessons in order to appreciate the latter. Every lesson I learn molds me more into the person I’m trying to become. Every one of them makes me all the wiser, all the stronger and all the nicer, and all the closer to God.

Make no mistake, God is real. Angels are real. Everything I cannot see is my guidance on this journey and surrendering to it all is the key to my success. Easier said than done but that’s part of what my journey is all about. Letting go and letting God, letting something greater than me lead the way. Trusting one hundred percent that everything will work itself out is imperative. I have no idea where I’m headed or how I’ll get there I just know I’m on my way. Information shows up, money shows up, opportunities show up, people show up, lessons show up, everything shows up exactly when it’s meant to. And for that I say thank you. Thank you God for everything.

Love and Light