I took the next four days off, normally I work on Tuesdays but last week I was like you know what, I’m taking some time off next week because I deserve it and I want to. Friday I was skating and here’s another example of how the ego mind likes to be in control. I was thinking, do you really need to take Tuesday off, or should you just work so you don’t lose the money? Even though I just worked extra for my coworker on top of already having plenty. I’m telling you, that’s how the ego mind works. I went back and forth until I finally had to stop myself. I literally told myself to knock it off and almost had to scold myself because at the end of the day the only thing I was doing was robbing myself of the present moment.
I also have to remember to be gentle with myself because also at the end of the day the only thing my ego is trying to do is protect me but I don’t need that protection anymore, at least not to the degree in which it’s trying. It’s all part of the process of letting it go, I’m saying good bye to that part of my ego, if not all of it. Needless to say I’m not working Tuesday and am very excited about my four days off. As much as I would love to go somewhere, my travel bug is starting to make an appearance, I’m just gonna relax and do me. Me time, self-care, Knotts, and taxes, gotta do me taxes. Pfft taxes, someday those will be eradicated but not soon enough.
Pronoia…the belief that the universe is constantly conspiring for you, that everything is working out in your favor. It’s the opposite of paranoia and a yes please for me. Lucky girl syndrome…when you feel like you’re the luckiest person in the world while affirming it mentally and and or literally. It doesn’t hurt to also visualize the gifts being bestowed by the universe. I’ve heard it described as visualizing gifts, literally presents, falling out of the sky and onto the beach and every single one of ’em has your name on it. Some more yes please, visualization is key. A mantra I also like to say, and often, is everything is always working out for me.
Went for a bike ride the other day. Is that Yeshua throwing up a peace sign lol, how have I missed this over the years? I’m not sure if it’s Yeshua or a Saint, either way it had me laughing. It also looks like the Hierophant in one of my tarot decks, just saying. I’ve gotten back into my exercise regime, I thoroughly enjoy my bike rides, almost as much as skating, especially since I bought a new seat accompanied by a new basket. I almost had to though, the ocean air weathers just about everything.
A movie recently crossed my path as they often do and this one will blow your mind. It’s called Otherlife and is actually very well written and reminded me of a series I watched about a year or so ago called Peripheral. Also very well written, they both have to do with I don’t know is it AI, is it virtual reality with a bit of playing God? Probably D. All of the above and also probably something that’s already available or soon will be.
Speaking of movies, I recently watched Ghostbusters, did you know they mention ancient Samaria and the theories of Atlantis? True story. I’ve never really paid attention to the storyline or maybe now it’s fair to say I can actually follow the storyline. I also watched Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and I found it interesting that there was a scene where he went to turn on the TV and was like, wonder how they’re gonna lie to us today with a book titled 9/11 sitting in plain sight. Perhaps the truth about 9/11 will surface soon. It’s already out there but I’m hoping really surface and maybe that’s why that number continuously shows up in my daily life.
Numbers…all day everyday, forwards backwards and sideways.
Love and light