

I pulled a card literally on my way out the door to Colorado last week.

#16 Achievement…Completion, Reward.

I mean that says it all really. This card talks about great satisfactions, things coming to completion and reaping the rewards. There’s a big sigh of relief with the storage unit shuffle complete. Cleaning out Colorado inspired me to keep the ball rolling with decluttering so upon arrival home that’s exactly what I did. It feels pretty good to get rid of what I don’t need and I have to laugh and shake my head when I think about how much stuff I was holding on to. Let’s be real, I still am, kind of. I see what’s happening here too though, Spirit’s got me slowly letting go of this and that with the end goal of living simply, I get it. I just let go of a shit ton of stuff and the next time I move I’ll let go of even more.

I’m pretty sure I don’t have to buy clothes or shoes for a very long time lol. But in all fairness, everything is on standby until the next phase of my life and taking care of my storage in Colorado is a huge step forward, it’s a big deal seeing as I’ve been waiting three years to get it. One of these days I’ll have a normal closet again along with a craft room, and an office. Just because I don’t have it now doesn’t mean it’s not in my cards, I’m still on standby holding my horses and that’s okay. A big part of my journey, any spiritual journey, requires trust and a lot of it.

Trust is key. When you’ve lived in survival mode most of your life trust doesn’t come easy but with each passing day and the past week I just had, trust is something I’m able to do, and these experiences are put into place to show me just that. It’s hard to strive for enlightenment if you’re trying to keep your head above the water. They keep showing me with subtle things in my everyday life, I’ll worry about something simple only to find out I didn’t need to worry at all. It’s all a part of the trust process and I know this but hey like everything else it’s easier said than done. I’m an overthinker (I’m working on it) and I am still training myself with my thoughts because it takes time, dedication and practice.

One of these days when I have the time and space I’ll go through my journals as I’m sure there’s a lot of little nuggets in each of ’em. I didn’t stop and read any but did have some things cross my path. I do like to open to a page just to see what it is. I believe we see everything when we’re meant to see it and the same goes for hearing things meant to be heard.

Enlightenment: freedom from suffering.

Suffering: an intense desire for one’s life to be something other than what it is. To free yourself from suffering you must learn acceptance of what is before you in every moment.

Either you find enlightenment in all that you do or you don’t find it at all

  • Enlightenment is being right here, right now, centered, aware and enjoying it.
  • Thinking screws up our perfect state of being.
  • It’s better to be wrong than overthink, overanalyze and end up doing nothing. Make your decisions as they arise, not before or after.
  • Non-resistance is allowing things to be as they are and accepting what is before you. Allow all thoughts and emotions to flow through you.
  • Laugh at the chaos because nothing is permanent.

Spiritual Awakening: an opening up to yourself as a powerful spiritual being who’s connected to the All That Is/God/Spirit/Universe. It’s understanding your expansive identity beyond the ego, unconscious programming and/or limiting self-beliefs. Spiritual awakenings elevate you to higher levels of consciousness as you connect with your innate power, soul choices, responsibility and self-mastery.

More than ever there’s a battle of light and dark happening on our planet and that’s a battle over the human consciousness. People like me are waking up and others will continue to wake up to the realization of self-mastery which is exactly what the Great Awakening is all about, surrounding oneself with so much light nothing dark can penetrate. Dark energy is anything holding you in grief, sorrow, despair, sadness, anger and the like whereas light energy is all about love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness and all things nice. I’m on the road of self-discovery leading me to land of self-mastery so I can help others do the same, just one of the components to me being here.

We aren’t on this planet for long compared to eternity, with each trip here we’re intended to grow and expand. We were never intended to be enslaved on any level and while it’s been happening for however long it has, we are in the infancy stage of turning it all around. Evolving the consciousness through mastering the mind is just the beginning and I for one am excited to be a part of it. I’ve been through so much and that’s by design, there isn’t much that phases me anymore and that’s because I’m learning to transmute dark energy into light. When you fill up your cup and surround others with loving kindness nothing can bring you down.

Love and Light