Shedding and Leaving

Shedding and Leaving

Doesn’t shed my ass! So in conclusion to the menstrual confusion, rest assured folks, I’m convinced the vaccine sheds.

Didn’t have my period for two months and now I get a two-for, two for the month of June. Liars. Does it surprise me though? Not one bit.



Something else strange happened the other week that I’ve been wanting to share. Not only was it strange, it was pretty disturbing. I was in the parking lot of a grocery store (that I work at) when I saw a young mother exit the facility pushing her baby stroller down and around to an extension of the parking lot around the corner.

It has maybe seven or eight spaces and figured she must be parked over there. No biggie, right? Back it up just a tad, when she was exiting the building I heard her say “oh I know it’s nap time, yes it’s nap time, it’s okay I know you’re tired” as I watched her go around the corner.

I kid you not, not even MAYBE two minutes later, MAYBE, BOOM there they were like she did an about face and I’ll be damned if that child wasn’t asleep. Not a peep. I’m thinking to myself there’s no effing way you can get a baby to sleep that fast. The baby was crying a good cry.


“Does it surprise me though? Not one bit.”

So naturally, I followed her and the baby, well I didn’t follow them per se, I mean I do work there so I just happened to walk down the aisle they were now in. I was looking for a bottle or pacifier, anything cause my gut was telling me something wasn’t right.

She had it just to where you couldn’t see, of course, so I got nothing but it still bothers me to this day because God only knows what she could’ve done. I’m no expert on babies but I know damn well there’s no way a  baby quiets that fast. Disturbing. Just like my cycle.

But even more so is that she wasn’t even parked over in the extension part of the parking lot, she was parked in the main lot. So what the bleep did she give that baby that required her to go where she couldn’t be seen? Breast feed, hardly. Nope. Like I said, disturbing.

I‘ve actually finally come to the conclusion that I am going to continue to travel once summer’s over. I’m not meant to be confined, I’m just not. I have to keep going, even if I don’t know exactly what I’m doing or where the bleep I’m going,

I just know I have to keep going. One of my besties the other day said something too that hit me straight in my awwww factor. She said, “well girl, you have to do what makes you happy, right? And I think you’re bound to do great things.”


Thanks Erin Jean, probably one of the nicest and most sincere things I’ve heard. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, and I think she’s right. I know she’s right. 2021 is going to be a very pivotal year, on so many levels.

Buckle up kids.

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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