Signs From A Passed On Loved One

A glimpse into the positive side of losing a loved one, transmuting dark energy into light every step of the way helping ease the pain in a healing process that’s never ending. What a beautiful moment I shared this afternoon with my mother who transitioned roughly four years ago. I was driving home after leaving a newly discovered hidden gem, the Turkish farmers market open seven days a week. Miss Independent was the song playing when I turned the key to the engine. It’s a song I thoroughly enjoy so I cranked it up and it got me to thinking.

I was reflecting on how the song applies to me and my life these days and how I wouldn’t be where I am today, as far as how much more independent I am, had my mom not transitioned. I was thinking about how all of this, my new life and everything that’s still unfolding because the best is yet to come. About all that I have or regained, who I am today, and how my mom sacrificed her own life so I could have it all. How she left the physical plane so I could awaken.

Reflection is another key to the universe.

Before I knew it the flood gates opened as I was thanking her out loud. I thanked them all, my team of invisibles, my angels, my higher self, my guides and of course our Creative Source. It was in that precious moment a van pulled in front of me with a 111 in the license plate. I couldn’t wipe the tears fast enough, I was so caught up in the moment I didn’t get a picture either. But that’s okay because no sooner did I pull up behind another vehicle at the next left with a license plate frame that read Cal State Fullerton. My mom worked for 25+ years and retired from CSUF. My heart cracked open even wider as I was wishing I had a tissue.

I know she’s still right here next to me and she always will be. Fun fact about multidimensionality, the soul can be in multiple places at once. I initially heard two places at the same time but the more I learn about quantum everything the more I believe it to be multiple. She’s with me every step of the way and the same goes for your passed on loved ones too. I know from the depths of my soul she’s still helping me learn and fulfill all my hearts desires. I miss her with every fiber of my being but this is the way it had to be and I’m okay with that. It’s not forever it’s just for now and it’s because of her love and dedication for her child, her daughter, her sweet pie she called me that I am who I am today. There are no words in any language to describe the amount of love and gratitude I felt in those moments and even more so as I’m now sharing with you.

It’s moments like these that I now live for. I had no idea how miraculous and amazingly profound the spiritual world was and I can’t imagine living my life any other way. Thank you momma, thank you thank you thank you.

watching me proudly as I receive all my hearts desires one by one


destiny and wish fulfillment,

it was written in the stars.

the power couple fire signs,

ruled by Jupiter and Mars.


It’s 3:33

Love and Light