Signs From My Brother

I recently mentioned I was thinking about how my brother doesn’t send me any signs, the thought was two days ago and I wrote about it yesterday if not the day before. Almost as if writing about him and him coming through wasn’t enough I received two more that put the biggest smiles on my face and put that spring in my step I so need these days to help keep me going.

I saw something sitting on the couch, a pamphlet of some sort, it was little and I didn’t pay much attention to it. In fact I dismissed it the first couple times I saw it and then finally on my way out I felt drawn to it so I went over to pick it up. One thing was for sure, I didn’t put it there. When I flipped it over it was the Gospel of John. I was like wow, okay, thank you. It was pretty cool and in my opinion my brother saying hi.

I don’t think I shared this before but shortly before my brother passed I had gotten my taxes done and when I received my envelope with all my paperwork there was a Gospel of John with it. I didn’t think anything of it at the time but in retrospect I think that too was a sign because he transitioned maybe six weeks later. It was perhaps a sign for me that he was in trouble.

Last night a customer came in and felt compelled to show me the French Bulldog wind twirler he just purchased across the way. He was so excited about this wind twirler along with his dog, so much so he pulled up some pictures on his phone. I kept the excitement going and asked what the name was and when he said Sexy Lexi I about buckled at the knees.

My brother used to say that! He used to poke fun at our sister all the time when our niece was born because her name was Lexi. He used to do that brotherly love thing and say ‘Sexy Lexi coming to the stage’ or something like that insinuating she was a stripper. We got some good laughs out of that back in the day.

I was taken aback at first because one, who names their dog Sexy Lexi?!? That’s funny! And then I laughed so hard because it was something my brother said often when our niece was little. Oh those were the best days, I think she’s gotta be a teenager by now. Sadly, I don’t even know. Thanks John Henry though for showing up at home and at my work to put those smiles on my face.

It almost feels like in addition to my brother letting me know he sees me and hears me, not to mention knows my thoughts, but it’s also a lesson in trusting myself. I was feeling like maybe I was misinterpreting the signs or reading too much into ’em but the ones from my brother are a reminder that I’m doing just fine and that I’m never alone so keep going.

We have to be so careful when it comes to our hopes and wishes, it’s no secret that doubt’s destroy dreams quicker than failure. A reminder to not doubt myself, have faith everything is working out for the best and stand tall with the courage and confidence to continue this wonderful-ever-changing-always-surprising path I call mine.

I saw this message this morning and I’ll admit my first response was, I thought the hardest parts were over, why then do I find myself in yet another tough cycle? When I reflect on the forest instead of the trees I recognize that the hardest part truly is over. It started and ended when I had to let go of most if not all of my loved ones here in the physical plane.

My first three years were rough as I lost all my immediate family but when I receive messages like the ones I just did from my brother and the ones from my mom, all my pennies from heaven, I’m reminded they’re not gone, they’re with me every second of the day. It’s not forever it’s just for now and until we meet again.

there was a heart in the octopus yay

Love and Light