Signs From Passed On Loved Ones

Needless to say I get signs pretty much on a daily from my passed on loved ones, I’m almost positive they’re mostly from my mom and brother but it’s hard to say unless they’re specific which oftentimes they are. A little birdy told me way back when that my mother was going to stay with me until I found love again however I’ve also learned that sometimes your passed on loved ones can become your guides which would keep her with me for the rest of this lifetime. Keeping in mind also that souls are multidimensional making is possible to be in two places at the same time. I’m not talking omnipresent, I’m talking multidimensional which in and of itself is somewhat difficult to fully explain, especially with these human brains of ours.

Take your Higher Self, for example, what do you think your Higher Self is? From what I understand your Higher Self is your Soul and it’s also hanging out on the Other Side while we’re here on planet Earth learning and doing what we’re doing. Your Higher Self knows you better than you do and always knows what’s best for you, it’s just a matter of reconnecting with it in order to truly live your best life. You were never really disconnected from it, that’s just one of the illusions that keeps you in the dark, no pun intended. The truth is is that we are never separate from Spirit, never have been and never will be, that’s what makes us limitless, capable of doing anything we set our minds to, and that’s what they want kept secret.

I find pennies and dimes all the time, almost every day, I love it. I’ve got my little stashes all over, finding coins never gets old for me and I usually inadvertently let a little screech of excitement out whenever I do find one which I’m sure is exactly what it’s intention is, along with a little reminder that we are never alone. I think it’s been three days in a row that I’ve foundĀ  both a penny and a dime and for that I say thank you.

While there are many common signs, signs from passed on loved ones can also be highly personal to each individual. And seriously, all you have to do to receive is simply believe. Ask and you shall receive. For whatever reason, those who have passed on more recently I want to say tend to come quicker but don’t quote me on that because at the end of the day Spirit most certainly doesn’t wear a watch. But seriously, all you have to do is believe and then simply ask. Those who are a little more in tune may notice faster but being open to receive is the first step. Try it, Spirit works in mysterious and miraculous ways.

The other day I actually got into my car and saw a rainbow that I’ve never seen before just chillin’ waiting for me to notice, it made me all warm and fuzzy inside. I feel like my brother has been coming in strong lately which would make sense because he has recently passed, and after his life review he’s most likely feeling a wee bit bad for being a little turd bucket towards me there for the last year or so lol but that’s okay because it’s just like I told him, I wasn’t mad at him because he did exactly what he was supposed to do. That and the fact that the chemicals in his brain were clearly off kilter and had been for far too long. But it’s all good because I’ve been there before too so no judgement. Besides, a little forgiveness goes a long way, and I loved him regardless.

Speaking of signs, I was asked to open the shop this morning as my coworker got into a fender bender so I agreed and was pleasantly surprised when I turned on the radio to what I call my Popo song. I heard it for the first time right around the time he passed in 1997 and actually can apply to any one of my passed on loved ones so in my mind when I got to work this morning it was my Popo saying hello. But again, the song applies to them all. Love this song.

Now I need a tissue, and now I have to pee because crying making me pee. They’re not necessarily tears of sadness though, I mean of course I feel a little sadness, I miss ’em all but I know from the depths of my Soul that death is rebirth and they’re definitely up there and are still here around me and will continue to be around me, they are my cheerleaders after all and for that I’m truly grateful. For me though, I remember the good times and hear their laughter and see them always with my minds eye.

Went to the Orange County fair and thought a lot about my brother as he would’ve loved the music exhibit, it was pretty cool. Like his friend Topher once said to me, “I’ve never met anybody with such a love for art and music like your brother.” He did love music and he knew it well.

Speaking of my brother, the other night at work I was closing a transaction with this Hispanic man, I don’t even know if he spoke English to be honest because there was zero conversation on his part but when I asked him for his signature on his credit card receipt, he said two words as he was signing, “John Henry” and walked away. True story, I swear to God. It rendered me speechless…with a big fat smile on my face. You’re gonna think I’m even crazier but I swear on this too and actually have proof of this one, my next customer was more or less Rosalinda which is my mothers full name. Well her birth certificate is Roselinda but close enough. I was so taken aback by both experiences and they were literally back to back, I had to take a picture of the name. Like I said, they’re constantly showing me how much they love me, and proving that there’s really life after death. You don’t have to tell me though, I’m a True Believer poster child. I’m well aware that that’s actually when we’re really living our life. It’s 4:44 as I proof read this sentence.

But wait, there’s more. This morning my first customers were a young couple and I asked where they were from as I often do and he replied New Jersey. Well for whatever reason because I don’t tell everybody, I was like oh yeah, my brother was born in Tom’s River. He responded with, no way, I was born in Tom’s River and asked what were the odds. I laughed a little and was like, yeah pretty slim my friend.

I love Spirit.

For whatever reason angel signs have been coming in loud and clear too. Most probably wouldn’t count Angels Stadium or the team itself but I feel like I’ve been seeing a lot more than usual of them, but they keep coming at me from all angels, enough for me to take notice and start snapping pics anyway. My angel numbers are definitely consistent but we all know that by now. I don’t know exactly why yet but they’re really trying to get my attention lately. These aren’t the half of ’em. Time will tell.

Can’t see it really but it’s an Angels ball cap

Love and Light