Signs From Spirit To Lift My Spirit

I woke up this morning still in a little funk which is surprising considering I had the most beautiful dream I was breast feeding the baby girl I had just delivered. I don’t know why I keep getting into these little funks, perhaps I’m on the verge of a  breakthrough and I’m just testing myself to see where my heads at and how well I can keep my thoughts positive, I don’t know. I’m not unhappy.  I didn’t even go to yoga, I opted to sleep in and finished my article from last night instead and then went to work. My summer hours have me in a couple hours early which is cool because I’m saving up for my cross country trip in the Fall.

Speaking of and sidenote, I originally wanted to do Route 66 but those plans have changed, and I added a copilot. After mentioning my trip to my bestie in Schenectady, Amber and I are now traveling cross country together. Instead of Route 66 we’re picking places we want to see and heading in whichever direction our little big hearts desire. Super excited cause I’ve already purchased my one way ticket to New York so it’s official. Yay.

Flexibility is another key to the universe.

I don’t know why it took me so long but a few hours into my shift I asked for help. I don’t like being in a funk but you feel how you feel. It’s important to feel and even more so to try and pinpoint why you’re feeling that way, makes it easier to move forward. My funks keep putting my choose happy to the test so when I had no customers in front of me I asked my team to help get me out of it. And they responded. It blew my mind actually because it was pretty instantaneous. They always blow my mind and you know the best part? It’s available to every single one of us. All you have to do is believe, and then simply ask. A mustard seed and a desire are the only requirements.

Shortly after asking for help I headed to the restroom where not only did I find a penny in my stall but I saw this card on the way in outside the restaurant. I didn’t hesitate to swoop in and pick it up not even knowing what it was, you could say it was instinctual and what a lovely surprise from Sprit it turned out to be. I’m gonna say it came straight from the Source, pun intended.

Within the next hour I found another penny at the entrance of my store and had a customer come to the register with a sweatshirt that read MOM, that put a smile on my face. They don’t miss a beat and words can’t describe not only how much I needed all of it but how much it helped. Shortly thereafter I received this text.

And then to top it off I had another customer come to the register with this pouch. In the event you’re new to my blog smiley faces are a personal sign from Spirit. When I was first placed in my car they showed up all the time and I intuitively knew it was my angels letting me know all is well and everything was gonna be alright. Needless to say I was lovingly lifted out of my funk and finished the rest of my shift with a spring in my step. It was a little spring but it was more than before and a spring nonetheless, so for that I say thank you. I have everything to be thankful for and everything else will come together when the time is right.

Love and Light and goodnight