Signs & Synchronicities

I love it when I ask for signs and I get a new playlist. And then I don’t know about the third song in is this owl playing a piano. I just said yesterday or the day before, matters there’s no time in the spirit world, how much I love a good beat and piano and BOOM here’s an owl playing a piano…synchronicity at its finest!

For the record the owl is one of my spirit animals. Spirit animals, totems and power animals, animal medicine, they come and go depending on where you’re at in your journey what kind of strength and encouragement you need but for me there’s a theme of birds because birds as a whole represent freedom and freedom is something I don’t take lightly. Freedom is something I’ve learned to truly value as I’ve matured and grown. The beautiful owl was my very first spirit animal followed by the raven and I don’t think those two will ever change for me.

Subject change, I was lovingly reminded like an hour ago that “now is the time to feel the pure Divine Light and connect with it so I can illuminate my path. Don’t get upset with silly little things, the wheel of time and life is taking another turn in which I may feel some emotional upheaval” LOL.

I spent a better part of the morning trying to figure something out what I thought was important but apparently is silly. “A new era in my life is beginning where I’ll be able to recognize my true self. The power of positivity is a big part of my life for this cycle.” I just wrote in a recent post how I need to always be positive…synchronicity baby, I love it. Actually that’s confirmation!

I need to stay positive no matter what which is easier said than done. I was also told “I’m currently in a period of intense self-reflection so go deep into my heart and find the reflection of my soul.” Now that’s deep in and of itself. “The emerging ideas will excite and challenge me towards new levels of thinking and being so be prepared and welcome major shifts.” And to all that I say… ummmmm OKAY.

A day in the life of spiritual study isn’t always easy, or consistent, or apparent. There’s twists and turns and rabbit holes along with tests and challenges and you can count on those being constant. In fact it just became obvious that what transpired this morning which wasn’t a big deal but it was enough to get in my head space. I just realized that it was a test though, to see if I could stay positive and focused and you see if I do dwell it’s not for long and then I figure it out, I put a smile on my face and I keep pressing forward.

And that my friends is a little day in the life of how signs and synchronicities and spiritual life works. And for that I say thank you with my attitude of gratitude and get my butt out in nature to connect with that Divine Light and a new playlist LOL.

Love and Light yo