Anyone Can Be Spiritual

Spirituality involves knowing oneself, or discovering yourself, and it is the ability to find peace and serenity in your inner world, in your thoughts and in your vibrations. Your spirituality is where you are in the present moment with less emphasis on past experiences. You don’t have to be a guru or give motivational speeches to strangers to be highly spiritual, you don’t even have to do yoga or meditate 24/7 to participate. Spirituality can be discovered at any age and at any moment. Regardless of your sources of knowledge, anyone can become spiritual.

Spirituality is a Divine source of vibrations and energy. Here are some traits identifying or indicating highly spiritually evolved individuals…

* You have faith in the universe, in God, and in yourself… as a spiritual person you trust your intuition (gut feeling) above anything else. You have a very powerful belief system over the entire universe resulting in everyday guidance in the proper direction.

* You’re more interested in acceptance than in complaints… nobody has a flawless life but despite the fact that everybody does have flaws a spiritual person doesn’t focus on those flaws, or spend time complaining about ’em. If you believe in spirituality you understand the value of acceptance over complaining. You don’t condemn or blame, or point fingers, especially when those inevitable road blocks cross your path. Instead you accept them and move forward learning from your mistakes.

* You are at ease with your ignorance… when it comes to trivial matters ignorance can be bliss but you don’t waste time evaluating or judging others or giving two shits about people’s (negative) opinions. And you certainly don’t compare yourself to others. You live your life your own way, celebrating uniqueness. You don’t feel the need to explain everything to everyone anyway because not everyone will understand and everyone is on a need-to-know basis.

* Despite all odds you always find a reason to smile… your life’s seasons have taught you how to deal with adversity. You understand you alone are in charge of your happiness and you understand that your happiness can only be found in your mind, your soul, and your vibrations. You’ve learned to embrace all emotions equally whether they be happy or sad, good or bad.


* You are humbler, kinder, more sympathetic and empathetic than you were before… you don’t claim to know everything and stay modest when you don’t know something. You’ve become calmer and more composed after your spiritual enlightenment. You favor love over hate, passion over contempt, a smile over a frown. No matter how many obstacles life throws your way or how much agony you’ve endured your heart is always at peace. You’ve learned to be content in every situation.

* You’re constantly upbeat... a spiritual person’s highest attribute is optimism, doing away with bad thoughts and vibrations. Spiritual people have very sensitive sensors and can detect even the smallest quantum of negative energy. Optimists can see something positive in the worst circumstances, even after many struggles, suffering and/or gloom, they still embrace the attitude of gratitude knowing everything will eventually work itself out. Optimistic emotions such as gratitude, affirmations and appreciation are just something you do on a daily.

* You have a higher level of energy than others… the aura you produce in your surroundings is unique and people enjoy your company because they feel more alive and connected with you. You exude happy vibrational energy that can make someone forget about their own worries and instead have a desire to enjoy themselves more.

* You have an enhanced perception of everything, especially in nature… spiritual people are truly in tune with nature. You’re always intrigued by nature and its beauty and treasure every natural blessing. You thoroughly enjoy things like landscape, sunsets, full moons, long walks on the beach lol and the like.

* A better sense of well-being and mental peace… meditation is an essential chapter in the subject of spirituality but understanding why is more important. Meditation allows you to focus on your thoughts and give you mental steadiness with heightened consciousness resulting in a desire to want to bond with yourself more and more. Eventually you’ll develop exceptional manifestation and visualization skills.

* You understand the significance of being in the present moment… a key to living a happy and satisfying life is to do your best to always be in the present moment. Easier said than done as we are usually less focused on the now and more on the past and future. More than half of ones ideas tend to be deleted once you focus on the present moment, which is a good thing because you’re focusing on what’s vital in the here and now. And by doing that you tend to lose interest in worrying about less significant things as they appear.

* You’re open to loving and giving without expecting anything in return… a spiritual person doesn’t give anything to anyone with an expectation of getting something in return, they simply do it because it makes them happy to see other people happy.

* Spiritual people forgive easily… even when you continue to encounter people who mistreat, injure, betray and disappoint you you forgive them all, and do so effortlessly. Why? Because you understand people only express what they’re cognizant of being as humans and sometimes, or most of the time, they just don’t know any better.

Bottom line… there’s something unique and heavenly in believing in spirituality and its ideas which draws people to its light like a moth to a flame. How strong is your spirit? Whether you identify with some or all of these you can always develop your inner strength and it’s always a work in progress. With hard work, time and patience you can always gain more strength. Never give up on your God given right to be happy.


Love and Light