Slow To Anger Quick To Love

I can’t help but feel like I intuitively know when I’m done with a particular book which would explain why I have a handful of unfinished ones. Ever since doing my homework on the Beatitudes of Yeshua I have almost zero desire to pick that book up again. I recently tried reading another book that needed finishing only to find myself feeling meh about what I was reading. I know my intuition is strong and while there’s always room for improvement I’m gonna go with I’m good on my book status, I’ll know when there’s something I need to read. Maybe I should immerse myself in a good romance novel so I can manifest that shit faster lol. I wish that were the case but I know all too well it’ll get here when it gets here.

Same goes with my YouTube content, when I go to my feed and I feel as though I have to search for something to watch, or literally scroll through this that and the other only to click on something that was somewhat disappointing or something I already knew. It then becomes obvious to me that there’s nothing that needs to be seen. Right now it feels as though I have nothing to do and while I suppose the break is nice I can’t help but also feel like I have to be doing something. I did pick up some extra shifts at work, ahem correction, they were gifted to me because Spirit’s got my back with my two week vacation coming up. I had to give up all my shifts for two weeks (total of 8) and wouldn’t you know it, as of today I’ve picked up the same number of shifts I had to give up. Coincidence? Hardly. It’s confirmation they know exactly what’s going on and a reminder to not worry about a thing because they’ve got me covered.

I do start my mornings by literally saying good morning to my team and thanking them for another day to learn and grow but this morning I couldn’t help but smell a little sarcasm when I said it. I did say it lovingly too of course and thank goodness we all have a sense of humor. It’s been a constant few weeks (if not longer) of mishaps, errors, extra shifts, not as much exercise because I pulled this or twisted that on top of everyday life in general plus my blog. Some of you may be saying welcome to the real world but honestly, my awakening journey has been an around the clock full time job since it started March 5, 2020.

I guess it’s fair to say I’m a wee bit tired too. It’s difficult for me to simply relax because it’s been go go go for the past four years and the fact that I’m a life long learner is always in the back of my mind pushing me to strive for more. I feel like right this second though there’s nothing for me to do but wait and while I’ve gotten pretty good at doing just that it’s still not something I particularly care for. It’s all just part of my process and I know this so some days are easier than others. I just can’t help but to feel restless more and more, especially at work.

Sometimes I feel like they tell me things just to tie me over, I don’t know, perhaps there’s truth to everything thus far but I also feel like who I am and what I’m here to do might be much bigger and more complex. My truth just might be stranger and bigger than fiction. Speaking of fiction, a handful of movies have also crossed my path these past couple months. They may be fantasy and fiction but they also hold a lot of truth and hidden messages for me. Some are easy to decode while others have crossed my path maybe a year ago only to come back around or it’s not until the third time I watch something that I fully understand what it is they’re trying to show me. Here’s the latest movies that were sent to my radar…

  • Volition: fantastic movie about this guy who has visions. It crossed my path a year ago and recently found itself hanging out in my feed again. Content that’s meant to be seen won’t leave my feed until I watch it. Sometimes I won’t click on a video because I know I’m gonna have to take notes and just don’t want to. It’s a little bratty-pants but that’s what makes it so funny, that and it’s true. The video will pop up everywhere until I click on it.
  • Arrival: another goodums where she too has visions that also come in the form of dreams.
  • Stardust: one of my top favorite movies of all time now, so good. I don’t know how it’s escaped my attention all these years. It’s all about the magic on the other side of the veil not to mention a sneaky love story. I’m a sucker for a good love story.
  • Contact: saw this one months ago but the last scenes are definitely real. All things quantum.
  • Transformers: there’s A LOT of truth in these movies, no doubt about that.
  • Benjamin Button: what a delightful movie start to finish! “Did you know I’ve been struck by lightning seven times” made me laugh so hard. A movie about fate and unconditional love and so much more. Super delightful.
  • The Rock: I looked this one up on my own (or did I) because it’s a really good movie and Nicholas Cage does a bang up job of being a chemical super freak who doesn’t cuss. Haha maybe that’s what they wanted me to see. I don’t think so but that’s a pretty funny coincidence that I didn’t put together till I typed it out. Besides, I don’t think I’m being true to myself if I stop cussing completely. I’m just being authentically me, right? Let’s not forget the fearless factor. Anyway awesome movie and Nick Cage has always reminded me of my brother.

My evolution has been nothing short of extraordinary, my slow paced fast track of growth and development that’s somehow coming to an end. I’m slowly but surely experiencing a closure so that a new phase may begin. All these situations that’ve been testing my every last patience allowing me to showcase everything I’ve learned. If I haven’t quite grasped the concepts yet, the situations are most definitely making sure I understand them now. I somewhat knew what was and is happening and the best way to describe it and was actually confirmed in one of my last Kryon sessions would be slow to anger, quick to love. That’s what my assignments and tests have been all about. That message came in loud and clear. I get it, it all makes total sense now.

In these past few years and even more so in these past few months I’ve gone from a firecracker to a sparkler. As I sat in meditation listening to my shamanic drumming the other morning all my scenarios came flooding through helping me to truly recognize and realize how they were all put in place to not only teach me something but to continuously push me into the frame of mind I need to be in in order to expand and move forward. I’m not there yet but with every passing day and every different scenario I’m propelled more and more into this never ending evolution of who I used to be into the new and transformed beautiful being I was always meant to be. From the firecracker to the sparkler. From service to self to service to others, from the child to the mother. From the novice to the master, the believer to the seer.

The 144,000, the chosen ones. They aren’t a special group of chosen individuals but rather a special group of old souls who chose to be here at this point in time in order to assist with the ascension process, to get the ball rolling and pave the way for the rest of humanity to follow if they so choose. I’ve also heard it described as a frequency but it’s hard to say because it shows up in numerous places. The Bible being the obvious of places I’ve talked about but it’s also in the Fibonacci sequence which is a pretty big deal not to just mother nature, but to humanity. We probably shouldn’t put 144 in a box anyway because chances are it’s D. all of the above.

couldn’t help but notice the 144 when I went to look to give credit for the photo for my feature image