Soap Box

Soap Box

Come on people, don’t you see what they’re doing? There just segregating us again. Why is it better to keep your head in the sand? I just read kids are being quarantined after coming into contact with another kid who had the “more transmissible and deadlier delta variant” Horse. Manure.

Spoiler alert: the delta variant is actually from the vaccine.

Speaking of Delta. Did you know they’re charging their unvaccinated employees $200 a month because they’re not vaccinated? We live in the world of sell outs where money talks and money walks. All over your gr….nevermind.

Masks are about as effective as trying to catch mosquitos with a chain link fence. Seriously. They’re worthless. It’s a fear tactic. They want to scare you. And it’s working. Shit they’ve been programming us since the second we were born with media, video games, smart phones. Ugh!

Info Wars
Even Bill Mahr knows what’s up.

Google it. Read it. And educate yourself. Please.


“Divide and conquer. That’s what’s on the menu.”

It’s so frustrating watch people ignore what’s really happening. They are trying to take away your freedom, your liberty, your rights. For what? That I DON’T even know. I don’t understand what the huge hard on for control is these days. But it’s here, the evil is here. I’ve seen it, I’ve heard it, I dated it, I fucking lived with it. Control is a drug and I’m convinced it’s now the worst one there is. No joke.

Divide and conquer. That’s what’s on the menu. That’s what’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Never will I give up my freedom and rights for “security”. EVER!

Security from who? A “government” who doesn’t give two shits about you, gives you an experimental drug that they did, yes, they secretly tested on animals. Approved by the FDA. Pffffft.


It’s not approved. Do your homework.

It’s all lies. And they can get away with it. How? Why? Because they control the media. Who is they? CORPORATIONS.

It’s not too late.


“You won’t be able to buy special waffles or lunchables.”

Have you seen what’s happening in Australia???? We’re next people. I don’t know where you’ve got your head but get it outta there. Another lock down is right around the corner. Financial collapse is right around the corner.

Might wanna take your money outta the banks cause it’s only a matter of time till one day you’ll wake up, prob the day after they tell us everything’s gonna be okay, and your bank account will be ZERO. Then what? Then you won’t be able to buy special waffles or lunchables. I guess those are the latest hot commodities running low in grocery stores today.


Don’t get the boosters, don’t get any more shots. The vaccine cards have like 4 more shot slots. I don’t know exactly how many cause I don’t own one. Since when has there been a vaccine that requires a booster every year on the year? Cause that’s what’s coming. Hate to break it to ya but it’s population control. It’s fucking genocide people!


I just want to give a shout out to HighVibeTV right now because you know what, that’s who inspired me to hop back on my soap box and help try to bring the collective back to reality. We are losing, we the collective, humanity. We are losing. Please wake up please stop the reset. We are all human beings at the end of the day. We need each other. We need touch, we need compassion, we need LOVE!

“Please wake up and see what’s really happening.”

Love and God are the only two things that are gonna be able to save you so do what you gotta do, pray. I highly suggest you start to pray. Prayer works. And so does love. Miracles happen every second of the day, every day of the year.

Over the past seventeen months I’ve grown more, learned more (the hard way too) and changed more than I have in my whole life. There’s been times when I wanted to give up. Oh I’ve had some dark days, yes I have. I’m no stranger to addiction. I’ve slipped here and there. I’ve got the balls to admit it. Wanna know the hardest part for me in those days?

Faith. Yes. I questioned it, doubted it and cursed at it. Because I let evil try to creep in. But in the end, it’s the only thing that keeps me going. It’s not easy putting all you have into something you can’t see, smell, taste or hear. But it’s real.

God is real. Spiritual warfare is real. And it’s here. It’s in our backyards. Please wake up and see what’s really happening. See that we’re all human beings. We are all connected. It doesn’t matter what color, creed or orientation we are.

This evil isn’t prejudice. Not even a little. So we can’t be either. Love see no color. Love see no gossip and love see no evil. Love is love!

Wake up.

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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