First thing’s first…thank you Angel Studios for another fantastic production. I was invited to go to a sneak preview of Sound of Freedom which was on my immediate radar so I eagerly accepted. It was definitely a tough watch and I knew that going in as I’m well aware of the child trafficking happening in our world today.

Shame on the United States for taking one of the leads in this 150 billion a year disgrace. It took five years of road blocks to finally get this movie released which doesn’t surprise me but I’m grateful it finally made it. I highly recommend, if nothing else please educate yourself on one of the biggest if not the biggest problems in the world. They do a good job, or rather, they’ve done a good job of hiding this information from the masses for quite some time.

It’s now time for the rest to pull their heads out of the sand (that’s putting it politely) and realize one of the biggest (Hollywood) cover-ups, they keep us distracted with anything they can distract us with and most of the world unfortunately falls for it. This is the beginning though and I have faith it will all start to fall like a house of cards.

Gods children are not for sale.

Awareness is the first step.

I posted this last video because it’s an important watch too. The fact that at the end of the day these two different types of trafficking are not two in the same yet both are happening should really getting your blood boiling. I always like to say that awareness is the first step so come on people let’s open our eyes. Yes they’re difficult subjects but nothing will change (yes it will) until we do something about it.

If nothing else, this information should make you want to ask your own questions to find out what may be true for you. I had a sneaky suspicion there was something more to the moon, not to mention alien technology, or as I called it, advanced technology. And let’s make one thing clear, from my perspective anyway when it comes to “aliens” and that’s that yes there’s aliens, but keep in mind, like everything else, there’s positive and negative. It’s the universal law of duality, there has to be. For example, in very basic terms, Pleiadian’s…good aliens, Greys…not so much, but that’s just from my own understanding because I like to research my own endless curiosity and need for truth so I can come up with my own definitive answers.

No longer am I down with going with what mainstream says or what higher officials (i.e. military, NASA, governments, etc.) or whatever say to be true. I wouldn’t be surprised though now with all this alien exposure finally coming out and making its way to the masses (thank you internet, that backfired lol) I wouldn’t be surprised if they now twist information making all alien or extraterrestrials look bad. They’ll do whatever they have to to try and save face now so don’t be duped or give into fear, just do your homework.

Love and Light