Source Is That You, It’s Me Margerette

Ha ha remember that book? I sure do. And I just aged myself big time. I found this (absolutely love Abraham Hicks) to be very helpful and I know someone else will too.

I never realized how much comfort and peace I would find being at the beach and on so many levels. I can almost literally feel myself healing when I take my walks with my headphones and dance like no ones lookin’. God is good and the Universe is amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

photo bomb

Side note…I’m sitting at the library right now doing this post and there’s a dad and his daughter, she’s probably around 7ish and they’re whispering. If there was an olympic sport for whispering they’d take the gold, hands down. I just had to stop and compliment them on their whispering excellence cause anybody and everybody knows whispering isn’t in my cards. I wasn’t born with an inside voice. Anyway we all just had a good laugh.

Love and Light