Speak Your Truth Melissa

I keep hearing it’s time to speak my truth in my head, not only that but the guy in the store who said it all loud to is friend that was meant specifically for me to hear like a month ago, I keep seeing it. Apparently I wrote it down in three different places, not to mention I said it in a random voice recording that I stumbled upon yesterday so it’s definitely coming in loud and clear that I need to speak some personal truth right now. I wouldn’t say I’m scared per se but it would appear that I’m somewhat hesitant as I’ve known most of these truths for some time but haven’t fully expressed ’em.

I’m different. I’m different in the aspect of what I am. It’s time for me to embrace who and what I truly am. I’m different but the same and I have to be okay with that. It’s time to rise to the occasion because I’ve said from the get go…I’m not here for me, I’m here for humanity. I need to be able to rise above every occasion, above every lesson learned. Every situation and every person has something to teach me whether it be in a big way or not so much. That goes for everybody really, not just me, I just happen to be in training for something bigger right this second.

Death teaches us compassion, humility teaches us not to care what other people think about us and reminds you where you came from. Narcissists teach us our self-worth and self-respect along with more compassion and understanding. The universe, along with people are simply mirrors reflecting back to us the things we need to work on in order to evolve. If something triggers you, instead of reacting, ask yourself why it bothers you and work on what needs your attention. I have to also remind myself not everyone is an old soul, narcissists especially, I have to remember most of ’em are young souls who don’t know any better and instead of getting triggered I need to visually pat them on the head like I would a small child, thank them for the lessons and be on my merry way. It’s taken time and plenty of practice but I’ve finally reached that point, and for that I definitely say thank you.

I’ve changed so much in so little time and what’s nice is I recognize it now. I’m also able to recognize the little (and big) tests the universe throws at me to make sure I have changed and to insure I’m able to move forward, to keep me moving forward. Some of them may seem little but in the grand scheme of things they’re pretty big. For example, I was at the skating rink yesterday and I had left my water bottle the last time I was there. While I had the admissions lady distracted by looking for it a girl came in, knowing there’s an entrance fee, saw no one there and entered without paying. The old me probably would’ve done the same thing and be like woo hoo free skating today. I wouldn’t do that today of course. I didn’t say anything because it’s not my place but I was thinking to myself have fun with that karma lol, no thanks.

Another example was a coat I recently bought. When I saw the price tag I was damn, that’s a lot. I went back and forth justifying this that and the other cause it was close to a hundred bucks. It’s a second hand store mind you so a part of me was like that’s kinda greedy and not right in my opinion. The old me would’ve switched tags and not thought twice about it because it was a second hand store and it was greedy, that would’ve been my justification anyway. But I was like nope I can’t do that, I’m honest now and take some serious pride in that. I opted to buy it anyway, overly priced and all and wouldn’t you know it, at checkout it came out as half off. I was so stoked and saw it as a nice reward for doing the right thing, it’s a pretty bitchen coat.

They may seem little but I now have a moral obligation to always do the right thing and it’s kind of embarrassing to admit I wasn’t always like that. Doesn’t matter because I know now and I’ve learned the hard way most of my life through no fault but my own and it’s refreshing knowing it doesn’t have to be like that. It doesn’t have to be hard but that’s what happens when you break universal laws, play the victim role or just opt to not do the right things. Doing the right thing isn’t always the easiest, in fact doing the right thing can sometimes be hardest.

Take my brother for example, I love him and won’t air all his dirty laundry but my aunt told me back when he transitioned that he complained that life wasn’t fair for him and he had the worst luck. Nooo, he broke like every universal law and he wasn’t the nicest not to mention most honest person. I know, I lived with him and that’s another reason I didn’t last long there. It’s why I didn’t last at my dad Paul’s house either. I see right through things and people don’t generally like to see truth, or rather people don’t like me seeing their truth. Truth isn’t always easy, truth is oftentimes stranger than fiction. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you give people long enough and they’ll show you exactly who they are.

Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t all innocent either so I certainly don’t wanna come across as hypocritical. I was gonna say I was no angel lol but truth be told there I kind of am so. But when I was living with my dad and then with my brother I was no where near the person I am today so I’m definitely not claiming I was perfect because I was far from it but it just sucks when you think you know people and it turns out you really don’t. It sucks even more when it’s people you call family. It hurts but I have to remind myself I had soul contracts with these people and they did exactly what they were suppose to do in order for me to learn the things I needed to learn. At the end of the day I have nothing but love and compassion for everything that went down and I’m grateful I have the maturity and wisdom to actually understand that now.

Anyway, what I’m about to share is another test from the universe, that’s why I keep hearing it in my head, it’s my intuition telling me it’s time. Enough dancing around the real reason I’m writing this post, I’ve been dancing around a lot of what I’m about to share for quite some time. It’s time to have the courage to share a lot more of what I’ve been learning and the DisclosureFest was all the confirmation I needed and was a huge reason of why I had to be there. What do you mean I have extraterrestrial DNA, how is that even possible? What’s a Starseed and how can I be from Pleaides? What’s my blood type got to do with it, and how is that related to my blood pressure? What’s a time traveling Lightworker? Are Earth angels and undercover angels the same thing? Who are the 144, what’s 5D and is that the same as New Earth? What are humanoids and how many other planets and star systems are others actually from? What do you mean I’m already in communication with the Spirit realm?

D. All of the above. Wait, what??? LOL

Just a handful of the questions I’ve had over the years. All the spiritual breadcrumbs I’ve been receiving since the beginning of my journey are all coming together when it comes to the origin of where I came from and what I am as I’m slowly discovering exactly who I am. Pleiadian Starseed Earth angelic of the 144, God’s ground crew. Sacred destiny holders of our divine birthright of Universal Truth. Yes it a birthright to know Truth and so much has been kept hidden from us and it’s all for control one way or another. The world feels like it’s falling apart and that’s because it is and that’s because it has to. Like everything else we have release what no longer serves us in order to make room for the new and better way of living.

A better way of living is everything I’m in training for right now, I have to figure shit out in order to help others and that’s exactly what I’m in the middle of doing. This next year is going to be pretty monumental for me and I look forward to my next adventure, whatever that may be. I’m praying for a move to be honest because from I understand California’s in for some rude awakenings here pretty soon. I’ve done the mountains (although I didn’t appreciate it at the time like I do now) and I’ve done the ocean, perhaps it’s time for some desert. Only God knows cause I’m not in charge here, my thoughts and my faith are the only things I can really control and I do my best to do just that.

I rise above all circumstances living in God’s economy giving thanks everyday because every day is Thanksgiving when you feel like you have everything to be grateful for. Speaking of, yes I did have an awesome Thanksgiving, thank you for asking. So much gratitude for my friend Stacy and her family that have lovingly adopted me as one of their own. Even my mom showed up, thanks mom for always showing up. I miss your smell and your hugs and love you even more.

Now’s the time to pay attention.

Change is coming.

You are protected and directed during this time.

Pay attention to your intuition.

Angels ask for your attention.

Open your eyes, listen to your heart, you will know the way.

Your higher self is guiding you and will never lead you astray.


You wanna know the craziest thing about this beautiful message I just received? In my last post about the 144,000 I wrote almost that exact sentence in the first paragraph, my higher self never leading me astray. For Thanksgiving I made an ornament for the host because I wanted to express gratitude for having a family to spend it with and I personalized it. Normally I would personalize an ornament with a name but for whatever reason I felt compelled to write the word thankful. I couldn’t help but notice when we arrived that she had two different decorations of the word thankful. This happens all the time. I write about something and then boom I see it or hear it in another way. It happens so often it blows my mind. I think it would behoove me to start documenting it, I’ve only taken mental notes till now but it’s been happening more and more as it’s only getting louder.


Love and Light