Spirit Communication

The universe communicates with us more than we could ever imagine but more often than not the signs go unnoticed. We’re so distracted and on every level in today’s society whether it be sports, video games, binge watching garbage on TV, or your cell phone in general, but that’s by design of course. These distractions are set in place so we’re not paying attention to the little (or big) things going on around us resulting in us missing all the signs, synchronicities and confirmations the universe or God, whichever, along with our angels and guides are sending us.

We are never alone, we are always being guided by higher forces, spirit realms and the unseen. When you’re able to tune into the universal rhythm, because they need our attention to be able to guide us, we awaken to our true potentials. Once we find that guidance we realize it’s actually the most important part of us living this human existence. The signs are everywhere and come in all shapes and sizes, when we’re tuned into how the Universe works and is communicating with us life becomes a lot less confusing and you’ll eventually start to feel your alignment and how deeply you’re connected.

It’s so much easier said than done, however it’s crucial to be present in the here and now. When you’re stuck in your head, regretting the past, anxious about the uncertainty of the future, or overthinking and rushing around, or over analyzing, judging others and being angry you’re too busy to realize Spirit’s trying to get your attention. You need to be open to receive so you can see the signs clearly to help guide you on your journey.

When you do recognize a sign, know that it’s the Divine right there with you guiding you and reminding you you’re surrounded by pure love. It’s not always like the movies, the signs are less ethereal and are simply incorporated into your everyday life. Like I mentioned before they can be subtle and quiet or loud and obvious, Universal Spirit is in everything and everyone and is how we are all connected. The signs usually come when you least expect ’em and I can speak from experience when I say when you do see them, it is so magical and intimate and is truly one of the best feelings in the world. Next to love of course but then again at the end of the day that’s exactly what the signs are.

Each sign is unique to each individual and their situation, and signs always arrive at the place and time when they’re meant to be seen. When you do receive them it’s then up to you of course to use your intuition, and other resources if need be, to interpret the signs for a more specific message, which will come with practice, time and effort. It is essential however to remove all your fears (as best you can) and especially your ego so you’re intuition has a clear conduit to guide you.

Here are 10 ways universal Spirit communicates with us…

1. Through people… Universal Spirit comes to us in the form of people around us. Oftentimes people are used as a vehicle to carry out messages whether it’s in a meeting at work, a random person telling you something, or better yet prophetic messages. It could also be a text or phone call, or you might hear a message through a conversation piece that was overheard as you walk by. It could also be a person who says nothing at all. For example, last night I took a stroll down Main Street for the farmers market and kept going to the end of the pier when I noticed this person who was doing what appears to be meditating on the beach. This for me is a clear sign that I need to be meditating more and damn it if I didn’t already know that but this is just confirmation that I need to giddy up.

Not everything is a sign of course but when you ask you will receive and when you feel something is too random to be a coincidence that’s probably because it’s not.

2. Through setbacks, roadblocks and delays… Oh man I know this one all too well. These signs are usually less regarded though because we usually fail to see the messages when we’re in the thick of a lesson. Another reason is most people only want to acknowledge the positive when in reality negative events are when we learn and grow the most. Just make sure you’re not getting stuck in the suck and you certainly don’t want to be in a victim mentality. Some examples are perhaps when you get sick, your flight was canceled or in my case your fingerprinting is delayed. Chances are you’re being nudged in a different direction and again in my delay it happened so a new and better job could enter stage right. These incidents are usually beyond our control so the path of least resistance is always the best approach. Think of it as damage control to reposition you onto the right path that’s best for you as the Universe always has your best interest in mind. I like to say a setback is merely making room for a comeback.

3. Synchronicities… Synchronicities are random occurrences which seem coincidental, somehow related or serendipitous, yet they are not. Synchronicity is one of my favorite words and one of the most powerful ways to get our attention, if we’re paying attention of course. The more you awaken spiritually the more you experience synchronicities, they are a direct connection to the spiritual realm and a friendly reminder you’re on the right path. Angel numbers are another example of synchronicities and something I experience all day everyday.

4. Through songs… Gotta love it when a random song comes on the radio or pops into your head. I use the term random loosely though because when you recognize ’em and associate ’em to something specific happening in your life, they’re hardly random. Or like when I’m riding my bike and I overhear a specific song playing on the radio of a passing car, or like today when I was in the dentist office and as he was finishing up my root canal one of my mommy songs came on. In fact last week the same thing happened, as he was finishing up another root canal (I have seven total. You don’t have to tell me how rad that is because I already know lol) another one of my mommy songs came on. In a lot of the songs it’s important to pay attention to specific lyrics as there’s probably a message in it for you.

Last week the floodgates didn’t open until I was able to get to the bathroom but that second song got me good today. I tried so hard to hold it in but I know that it’s not good to suppress any kind of feelings number one, and second I just couldn’t control it. I felt two silent tears slide down each side of my face as I did my best to wipe ’em both before they hit my ears. It was 100% my mom’s way of telling me that she’s right there with me, in fact she never leaves my side because she’s a good mom like that. And we’re in this together because I don’t think I could do it without her.

5. Through thoughts… Random thoughts in your head are most often Divine messages, it’s those a-ha moments, or it could come as an idea out of nowhere. It could also be random ideas, solutions to a problem or simply inspiration. Kind of like when I was sitting at a stoplight in Colorado when all of a sudden “special needs orphanage” popped into my head. I didn’t know exactly what that meant and I certainly didn’t end up at one but that thought got me researching on the computer which ultimately led to my volunteer work in Costa Rica.

6. Through words or physical signs… It can literally be a sign with words on it like a billboard or road or street sign. The key to interpreting these kinds of messages is to follow your gut feelings and try not to overthink it. I was recently at Knott’s Berry Farm when I came across a vendor who had a ton of little hanging signs and my eyes immediately were drawn to this particular sign, which is now hanging in my living room.

7. Through dreams… Dreams oftentimes provide some kind of guidance, messages and answers while we sleep through our subconscious. I keep a dream journal and I do my best to interpret them but if you do document your dreams and go back and reread them you’ll be surprised by some of the patterns, not to mention craziness. Dreams can be such a trip. Just a quick side note about night terrors, from what I understand those are usually associated with your past lives or life, so a past life regression session may bring some closer to those, if you’re open to it.

8. Through symbols in nature… Symbols such as colors, flowers, animals (spirit guides), feathers, rocks and crystals. Roses are big for me as my mother’s name is actually Roselinda and she wore rose perfume, so smells too. Let’s not forget bugs lol because my mother is notorious for coming to me in the form of beetles. Yes, beetles. And as a matter of fact today as I was entering the dentist’s office there was a beautiful black and red beetle on the door frame. I forgot to take a picture but I know it was her, I’ve got many stories with my mother coming to me as a beetle. Not just any beetle either, they’re all beautiful beetles because my mother was a beautiful person and wouldn’t come to me as anything less.

9. Through deep feelings or a deep knowing… When you have a deep feeling or a deep knowing, the Universe is communicating with you. When you feel as though something is “off” or you “just know”, or maybe something says to you “every part of me wants to do this”, those are clear signs. It’s your inner truth awakening and when you connect your inner truth with universal truths it awakens something deep inside you attracting you to it so pay attention and follow the leads. A good example for me would be my recent trip to Oregon. For some reason I just knew I had to go to Oregon and everything fell right into place last minute. Now that I’ve returned I know what those reasons are but I’m going to keep those private because like I’ve said before some things in my life have to be kept private just as much as some are meant to be public.

10. Through objects… The object can be something you’ve been looking for, or when things fall off shelves and cabinets, or my personal favorite pennies and dimes. After my nana passed away my mom would to tell me stories about how she (my nana) would move stuff around in her craft room and we all know I’ve had my fair share of shit falling off shelves lol. They’re all different ways Spirit’s trying to communicate with us and it’s now up to you to figure it out.

Another way Spirit likes to communicate with me is through my pictures. Last week as the sun was rising something told me to go outside and take a picture and wouldn’t you know it, somebody showed up again, and for that I say thank you.


Universal Spirit, your angels, God, your guides, passed on loved ones, your ancestors, they all have your back and always have your best interest in mind. They are all pure unconditional love and are here to guide and protect you every step of the way, you just have to be open to it and let them in. They’re here to remind you you’re never alone and you don’t have to walk your path with fear or confusion. They all know your needs before you do, they all know what your day holds before you do and trust and believe that they see everything. They see the big picture and all they want is to help you, love you, encourage you and see you live your best life. I don’t know about you but that sounds fucking fantastic to me.

Love and Light