Spirit Continues

The playlist I asked for continues, I love it. I’m getting this one from the radio at work. These ones arrived this evening during our bedtime routine which takes roughly an hour and a half to get ’em all ready for bed. It’s funny because I asked Alexa for something specific and these were what I got instead. They all have personal meanings and it just blows my mind how my connection and communication continues to strengthen and grow with Spirit and my guides. I feel like the luckiest, or most blessed, person alive these days.




Speaking of communication, my Uncle Steve is still making his presence known, not surprising in the least, I loved him so much and I know he loved me just the same. Last night around 2:40 in the morning the radio in my living room turned on. No volume, it just lit up like a Christmas tree. I got up, turned it off and about thirty seconds later it turned right back on. I laughed and left it on. Today after work, came home and it was on again. The soul lives on I tell ya. Trust and believe.

Love and Light