I bought two beautiful card decks at the Kryon conference because, well they were beautiful, and I wanted them. One was Kryon Oracle Cards and the other one was Manifesting your Mastery which are affirmation cards. I do believe in and use divination tools and feel like when used properly and with good intentions (like everything else) they can definitely help guide individuals on their journeys, spiritual or otherwise.
I don’t pull cards everyday, only when I feel drawn to, and today these are the messages I received.
Part of God. According to the guidebook (and Kryon), “the truth is that you are part of the sacred soup of God and those sacred parts look upon you and are always available, always available.”
The guidebook (and Lee Caroll) continued with saying what this card really means is that you are not alone! If you received this card, perhaps sometimes you question this premise. The core truth is that all of us are filled with God. It’s the entire premise of creation. Hiding inside us are all the pieces and parts of the sacredness of creation itself. These things hide because we have free choice to discover them and must, therefore, actively look for them. The most amazing changes for you are when you actually realize and cognize the concept that you are never alone, and that there is always help. Imagine angels walking through life with you…next to you…patiently waiting for you to ask. They remain until your last breath, ready and willing to lift you up to the magnificence of who you are.
God is a very complex subject and will be described in many different ways by many different people from all walks of life. It’s funny because I think it was Billy Carson who said it, “God is not a sky daddy with a magic wand performing miracles.” I say it’s funny because that’s exactly what I thought God was which makes sense because I was raised as a child in the church and up until this past year still thought that’s what God was. God is so much more than that and can sometimes be almost indescribable and incomprehensible. But make no mistake God is real and resides in every single one of us. God is in everything, everywhere and all the time.
I think this card is more or less for my future self but it still resonates with what I do today. There are many aspects I thoroughly enjoy about my job right now and talking to people is one of ’em but deep down I know it’s not my forever, not even close. It’s simply another stepping stone until I get to where I need to be. Someday I will own my own business, I already have the name, so believe me when I say the seeds have been planted, now it’s just a matter of time.
Cool story about an experience at my work that happened sometime a month or so ago. I was carrying a conversation with this gentlemen, he was in his late forties or early fifties and while I don’t recall what the conversation was about exactly I just remember it being really pleasant and I do know I was left with amazement when it was over. As we were finishing up our conversation, he asked my name (which doesn’t happen very often, if at all) and when I said Melissa, he went to shake my hand, made eye contact like he was looking into my soul and said, “name’s John, it was so nice to talk with you.” I’m sure my heart skipped a beat at the time. Do I think that was my brother saying hello? Yes I do. Just another way Spirit communicates. Spirit oftentimes will communicate through the voice of random people who have something to say that you’re meant to hear. It also happens with overheard conversation pieces of people walking by.
After spending some time with Spirit and my cards I decided to head to Sprouts to stock up on my fruits and nuts and opted to take my bike of course. Everything I need is pretty much within biking distance and for that I’m truly grateful. In fact a couple days ago I was leaving Main Street and a woman randomly asked me if I ride my bike everyday and after replying yes I do she came back with, “what a great life.” I had to literally stop and take a few moments and feel the gratitude while reminding myself how right she was and even gave thanks out loud because I really do have everything to be grateful for.
Besides the monarch butterfly that almost kissed me on the cheek on the way to Sprouts, on my way back I couldn’t help but notice the taxi with the number 444-4444 and in that same moment I was nudged to look up at a house I was passing only to see a small octagonal window with an angel in it. It put a smile on my face that went from ear to ear. This song played shortly thereafter and certainly kept that smile going…
It’s 11:11pm as I copy and paste this song. I love it, thank you. But wait, there’s more.
A couple blocks later I passed a truck with a slogan on it reading something along the lines of “get your pipes cleaned” and I laughed and said out loud that I’d love to have my pipes cleaned because it’s been a (long) while and when I continued to laugh even harder I belted out a laugh that sounded just like my passed on loved one (and best friend) Dana. I remember thinking wow that sounded just like Dana, probably because it’s something she would’ve said too as we both agreed that a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste. And again right in that moment the next song to play from YouTube music (which is all random because I like to hear the songs that are meant to be heard and not on a playlist when I’m cruising around on my bike) right in that moment one of my Dana songs from Bastille started playing. I was amazed but not surprised because again that is exactly how Spirit works.
Spirit really likes to get my attention through music and this song certainly was an attention getter too. Much of my relationship with Spirit feels like a secret, and that’s probably because it is. For now anyway. I share most of my experiences but there are still things that I have to keep to myself right now. So until I can share I will just keep going because I need to keep going, keep doing what I’m doing because I know that it’s all going to work out even better than I could’ve ever imagined. Faith is the key. And also gratitude so thank you God for everything. And had I taken my car, I would’ve missed all of these beautiful signs and synchronicities.
And in case you missed it, the duration of the song is 3:33 lol.
Love and Light and goodnight