Spirit’s So Funny

My blog has to take a backseat these days because I’ve been putting my CNA skills back to work every morning for four hours helping Delica who’s 88 years young, not to mention honing in on my personal chef expertise. So when I’m not nurturing I’m either journaling, studying or sleeping.

Spirit is so funny though because I swear I feel like the Karate Kid doing all these random either acts of kindness, learning life lessons and appreciating things like staying humble or the art of detachment. You name it, I’m doing it or most likely have done it. I know at the end of the day though everything Spirit has me doing is all going to make sense when my jigsaw puzzle pieces all magically come together creating a masterpiece. And for that I say thank you.

It’s frustrating sometimes because I often wonder why the bleep did God create me with 47% fire and keep forcing me to surrender to the art of patience, oh that’s right…balance.

I know one of the reasons I’ve been put in this caretaking position isΒ  of course to fuel my heart because nurturing is just something I do and I do it well but another big reason is because there’s so many messages that my angels need me to hear.

Delcia likes to watch a lot of TV and I’ll be darned if there isn’t a message with every single program that she watches. It’s hysterical, I’ve gotten a different message every single day, sometimes more than one and it just makes me laugh because I know that that’s exactly what I needed. I swear they’re talking directly to me but inadvertently it’s pretty crazy cool.

This morning I was washing the dishes after we finished breakfast and the decorative lights behind the microwave just happened to blink twice for me, a little angel wink if you will. All it does is put a smile on my face but that’s exactly what it’s supposed to do so mission accomplished. I love it.

I’m definitely eating better because a healthy menu is sometimes challenging in my residential circumstances but now five days a week I don’t have to worry about that because I eat healthy. Truly grateful. Now I just need to get my butt to the gym which I hit every other day but I’ll be honest sometimes I skip the workout equipment and just go straight to the shower LOL.

Love and Light πŸ˜‡πŸ˜πŸ’›