Spiritual Acceleration

I can’t ignore the things happening around me and so I just feel the need to share.

For the past three days weird things have been happening. My heart is racing at like a thousand miles per hour. It’s slowed down today but the past two days, holy shit has is been beating fast and I interpret that as my heart chakra opening up fully. My sleep patterns are all jacked up. I thought that was the full moon and while those energies can last for days I feel like it’s more than that. My ears are ringing so loud and just won’t stop. No I don’t have tinnitus. I don’t know if I’m downloading shit or what. It’s almost as if everything’s coming into alignment and propelling me forward whether I like it not and whether I’m ready or not.

I’m being completely tested left and right and am pleased to say I’m passing for the most part. I kid you not in the past week I’ve been contacted by not one, not two by like four or five people from my past and some out of the blue and some otherwise. But it’s like they’re all being put in my path to either test my faith, test my intuition, my growth and my strength. It’s exhausting and I’m doing my best to use my discernment in making the right decisions and doing what I think is right. if I don’t, I’m quickly reminded with a swift kick in the ass and blow to the ego. Which is a good thing because from what I understand letting go of the ego is one of the last steps in surrendering.

Can’t help but notice the moth that just landed inconspicuously in front of my face as soon as I open up my Oracle messages to find them saying I’m being spiritually accelerated with downloads, translating messages that are happening for a fast transformation. WTF? There’s a sense of crying, I cry almost every time I sleep and I know I am because not only can I feel it in my eyes but I do that uncontrollable breath thing when you’ve been crying a lot. It just comes outta nowhere.

The Oracle messages by Secret Shaman Oracles basically is confirming everything I’m experiencing, it’s crazy. And right after I took the picture of the moth it flew away and then the next time I look it’s just chillin watching me from another spot now and has been sitting over there for like an hour. So naturally I had to look up the spiritual meaning of a moth again (it is one of my spiritual animals and/or totem) and here’s what I found…
According to https://www.spiritualunite.com/articles/moths are symbolic of change which is why they show up during transitional times in our lives. They symbolize life and death and when an old part of ourselves dies, a new, more evolved version merges from the same cocoon. They represent an emotional transformation like letting go or moving on. They’re a reminder that, although it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, there’s always gonna be one.

They represent TRUTH (wow) and the best way to uncover it is by embracing the process of change and letting go. No matter how uncomfortable (didn’t I just talk about that in my last article? yup) it may feel at first, they teach us about ourselves in ways we never thought possible because they show up during those times when we’re most vulnerable and when we’re ready to release any unnecessary baggage. That’s kind of ironic, or no actually it’s not considering that’s exactly where I’m at. I most definitely need to release some serious baggage in the form of more people.

They represent intuition and instinct on how to behave based upon experience. They symbolize wisdom and how it’s always within reach and they sometimes hold the biggest lessons and help guide through darkness. They’re also seen as souls from ancestors. Hi mom. They’re seen as a symbol of faith and spiritual insight along with enlightenment. They’re about determination and vulnerability…

OKAY so right this second I get a notification from YouTube for a recommended song by Dennis Lloyd with lyrics (I love his other song Nevermind) and it’s this song and I love it cause the lyrics are pretty spot on for a few reasons. AND it’s 10:10 hello angel number lol! I love synchrones so much, thank you brigade! Can’t help but have an attitude of gratitude with warm and fuzees!

Kind of looks like a moth-y-poo too.

Back to the moth, they represent determination and vulnerability. Harbingers of death, um my ego that may have just died? I love it. Loyalty and generosity and honestly I could go on and on and on but am gonna stop because I have a lot more to learn and listen too and it’s already past ten o’clock. Wish I could say I was tired but I’m not. Sigh. And I have to pee.