I’ve known from the get go I’m some kind of healer but as of late I’m learning that healer is an umbrella term that covers a lot more than simply healing. Being in isolation has me going back to my roots so to speak and has me asking the basic questions once again, and that’s what am I, who am I and what am I here to do? It wasn’t long before answers arrived and now here I am at 3am to write about it.
I remember when I first asked those questions and one of the answers I received that sticks out in my mind is Nirvana. I asked numerous times why am I here and not much longer later I started seeing the word Nirvana everywhere. I also started seeing and hearing that I was a master healer, but again, I’ve known deep down for a while that I’m some kind of a healer.
Healer is no longer a word, not to mention occupation, that can be put in a box, it’s a term that has more use being compartmentalized. It’s not a one size fits all person, occupation or modality. Healing work comes in many shapes and sizes, it’s 3:33 as I type this sentence, funny because I did that twelve hours ago too. Healers can also be referred to as transformational professionals, transformational visionaries and innovators.
It has become clear that the next phase of my journey will include activating the healer within. I’m currently working on aligning my soul purpose which on a fundamental level is to be of service, to assist humanity in this shift that is currently underway. There is a part of my template that has yet to be activated, it’s that part that will allow me to fully embody what it is I’m here to do and step into the position of helping transform others in the way I’ve already transformed myself.
In order to fully embody what a new healer does I had to be told what exactly a new healer is. Healers are now innovators, deep thinkers and pioneers. The healers of the New Earth are here to represent the new energy that comes in with them bringing about new thought patterns, new paradigms and new ways of thinking all together. For most these energies lie dormant until activated.
My next question was what exactly is an innovator? A person who brings about new ideas, an evolved emanation that entrains others and invites them into something more unified first with self and then with others. Innovators are spiritual teachers who are here to help humanity during this particular time frame, during this shift of the great awakening, of the great remembrance.
Everything is ever-evolving and healers are no different. I know I’ve certainly evolved and continue to do so on what feels like a daily basis. I’ve come so far in such a short amount of time, which I’m grateful for, not to mention thankful for my fast-tracking. But that’s also due to the fact that my curiosity keeps me going. The next question to pop into my head to feed this curiousness was what’s a spiritual innovator?
This turned out to be my million dollar question. By definition a spiritual innovator is someone who reimagines spiritual practices to be relevant and accessible in todays world. I will never forget when I read that because that’s when my lightbulb clicked on and I was like, hey that’s me. That’s exactly what I am, I’m a spiritual innovator. A multidimensional intergalactic spiritual innovator to be exact. Haha dang, that’s a mouthful.
I went on to read more that just made sense. Spiritual innovators reimagine new spiritual practices while remaining rooted in their lineage, they may even break some rules or reclaim wisdom that was once lost. Spiritual innovators can help people find meaning and connect with Spirit while embodying love. I almost fell over when I was reading this because it all started to make so much sense.
While I may be a bringer of higher truth, it’s nothing new per se, it’s just all been hidden for thousands of years. Actually much longer than that, it’s the Anunnaki and other information that’s been hidden for roughly two thousand years. The planet and other (ancient) civilizations have been around for billions of years, I think planet Earth has been around for four billion years to be exact.
While I’m relearning everything because you have to crawl before you walk, it’s nothing new. The information isn’t new, it’s just being presented in a new way. The collective is starting to make huge shifts at an accelerated pace making it just about the right time for this new energy and all the new innovations.
The time has come where credentials can be tossed aside, the new pioneering energies bring forth new ways of learning and living. Where information we know to be true come straight from the heart and activated DNA that has been lying dormant for far too long. It’s time to bring forth new healing modalities, ones that come from spending lifetime after lifetime not only on this planet but on other planets, galaxies and star systems as well. This may seem far-fetched to some for now but with time it won’t.
This is exactly why old souls are here, we’re pioneering innovation work. It’s time to make space for this innovative allowance and take the cap off limited thinking in having to do things in the existing constructs. Times are changing, everything is changing from technology to spiritual practices and everyday thinking.
I am here to lead the way forward by thinking out of the box with all the experiences from not just this lifetime but the countless lifetimes I’ve already endured. I am here to bring forth that higher truth that’s been kept hidden for so long. I’m here to put together a construct that doesn’t even exist yet. An unknown construct that peaks interests and curiosities and promotes healing and health and strength.
A new way of living that consists of unity and love, compassion and forgiveness. A new way of life where balance and harmony are on the table. A construct where everyone is equal and where there’s plenty for everybody. Gone will be the days of a patriarchal system where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. No longer is it about competition, it’s now all about cooperation. Humanity is currently dismantling the dysfunctional old and outdated way of living so we can finally start creating something new.
I incarnated to bring forth change, to transform and transmute and I don’t even know exactly how yet but this is exactly what I’m here to do. It’s time for me to stop hiding so to speak, stop hiding as a healer and step into the multidimensional intergalactic beautiful being that I am. I do that simply by believing in myself, dropping out of my head and into my heart. Following my inner guidance and direction from my Higher Self and team of invisibles.
It’s just about time to activate the healer within while I wait patiently for those God-given knowing’s that I live for these days. Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will open. Thank you Spirit for all this beautiful information and the confidence I need to keep going. I am here to embody all things hopeful and healing, loving and kind.
The embodiment of cosmic consciousness walking the path of higher truth with an open heart and open mind. Allowing the divinity to flow freely through me in order to raise the vibrations of the community we know as humanity. Always for the greater good and wellness of mankind where we love and forgive, understand and accept, live and learn to grow and transcend. Where we no longer fear anything, especially transitioning.

Wow, what a liberation, all of it. Thank you.
I just returned from my skate sesh down at the beach after publishing this article and this was the first song to come up when I turned on my music and let it flow. Absolutely love it. Thank you thank you thank you. Show me how it gets better Spirit because the best is yet to come.
Love and Light