Spiritual Laws of Our Universe

Learning to live in the sacred heart space allows an individual physical, emotional and mental well-being while staying attuned to the wisdom of one’s higher-self. Mental harmony comes with reprogramming old and limiting thoughts of judgment, rigidity and control.

Mental detachment comes with wisdom and understanding and faith in the Universal Laws. As an emissary of light I seek to live by the highest moral standards of virtuous conduct with a burning desire to seek justice for all.

It’s when you learn to function within the stillness of a sacred moment magical things begin to happen all around by creating an energetic force field that is impenetrable. Your body is constantly renewing itself via the thought forms and energetic patterns you radiate. I do my best to try and always radiate positivity.

When you change your self-limiting belief systems and patterns from negative to positive you change your everything. We’re experiencing quantum leaps in evolution and human consciousness for those who dare to expand their minds.

Universal Laws in a nutshell

1. Vibration…everything vibrates at a certain frequency and we are all energy. Thoughts are energy and the content of our thoughts dictate what vibration we’re in. Energy attracts energy. Like attracts like therefore happy attracts happy, etc.

2. Unity…at the highest level of consciousness we are all one. Everyone and everything is interconnected. No one and nothing can exist in isolation in this universe. We all come from Source. We all come from God. We are all God’s children.

3. Action & Reation…there can be no movement without action. We cannot create anything without some level of action. You can set an intention but then you gotta do the work son.

4. Correspondence…what’s going on in your inner world is a direct reflection of what’s going on in your outside world. As above. So below. We can change anything by changing the way we think and feel about it.

5. Cause & Effect…everything we do has an effect. Every positive action with a positive intent will have a positive outcome and vice versa.

6. Compensation…you receive what you put out. You reap what you sow. Karma baby.

7. Attraction…whatever you place your energy and attention to will be attracted into your life. You can transform your life by deliberately choosing new thoughts, focusing on ’em and adding emotions.

8. Perpetual Transmutation of Energy…in this universe everything is energy and energy is everything. And everything is in a constant state of moving and changing and evolving. When you consider everything in your life as energy then you know this energy can be changed.

9. Relativity…nothing exists in isolation. Big has no meaning unless it’s seen relative to something small. The other side of the same coin.

10. Polarity…everything has an opposite. Up has a down. Hot and cold. Happy or sad and so forth. In 3D anyway.

11. Rhythm…there is a natural rhythm to life. For example the four seasons. Some things live for a day, others for 70 years. Yin and yang. If things are crappy in Winter know a better season in Summer is coming.

12. Gender…(having nothing to do with sexuality) there’s masculine and feminine in everything. Masculine energies like strength, problem-solving and logic. And feminine energies like intuition, emotions and creativity. We all have both on some level.

These 12 spiritual laws of the universe are always quietly ‘playing’ in the background forming the very foundation for what exists just so you know.

Love and Light