While I’m extremely grateful to have been staying at a friend’s for the past three weeks, my intuition is strongly urging me to get back in my car so it’s important of course that I listen. Call me crazy but I actually kind of miss it lol and I’m looking forward to being back in my little chrysalis. Besides it’s just like camping and I love camping.
Truth be told these past three weeks weren’t all about the luxury of a kitchen, bathroom and washer and dryer, I’m pretty sure I’m actually recovering from Covid. Yup. I’m not 100% of course because I’m not a doctor nor did I go to the doctor, or buy a test, I refuse to contribute to the money making scam on any level. Don’t get me wrong, Covid is real, and so is the flu.
It would make sense though because for the past two years I’ve managed to evade the virus all together, which has been cool and all but it’s important that I do get it at some point, and no time better than the present considering “flu season” is coming up. It’s important that I get it so I can build my natural immunity making it just another reason not to get the vaccine. Like everything else these past three weeks, uncomfortable yet comfortable as they were, were all for purpose and for that I say thank you.
As I’m loading my things in my car out pops this grasshopper and gets right under my feet and then hops right back outta sight leaving me with a love for nature and you betcha, a desire to look up the spiritual meaning…
Grasshoppers are a symbol of good luck and prosperity and have the ability to remove anything that may be blocking its path to success. They’re all about abundance and fortuitousness symbolizing faith, fertility, intuition, strength, freedom, resilience and new beginnings.
They represent wealth on a spiritual level by encouraging you to reach out and grasp what’s yours. They’re all about perseverance, my popo’s favorite word, and seeing one is a sign that you have the willpower to follow through on your current goals and ambitions no matter the conditions. They’re confirmation that the acts and changes you’re making are indeed putting you in perfect alignment with your path. Grasshoppers can’t go backwards or sideways only ever moving in a forward direction.
I don’t know about you but that speaks volumes to me and is the exact confirmation I needed to get my butt back in my car so thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lol.
Love and Light