Spiritual Meaning of a Seagull

The seagull has no fear, in air, land or sea. It represents transitional periods and alterations in tides. Symbolic of freedom, imagination and spirituality and thought to be messengers of the spirit realm bringing messages of unrestrained optimism and spirituality. A symbol of good luck and when they’re around they help clear negative energy. Their purity attracts positivity into one’s life and their opportunistic nature brings opportunity which leads to positive transformation. Awesomeness.

So this was January 20th and I’m just now getting around to writing about it but anyway I had just got to the beach and spent a better of four to five hours getting my free vitamin D. I couldn’t help but notice this seagull hanging out after I got settled in. I was listening to a reading and it was talking about birds and the color red (coincidence? Not in my world) now I don’t know about you but I’ve never seen a seagull with a red beak until this day but I guess you learn something new everyday and this day was no different.

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This beautiful creature hung out with me the entire time I was there, I even went to the bathroom came back and it was still there. Do I think it was my mom? Stranger things have happened on any given day. Things that make you go hmmmmm.

With all that said I’m off to the beach.

Love and Light