Spiritual Synthesis

I wanted to share some of my thoughts on one of the angel cards I pulled last week and that’s the synthesis card. I’ll be honest I wasn’t completely sure what the definition was so naturally I went to look it up. I’ll tell you what, I’ve learned more in the past four years than I have in all my schooling combined. There’s something to say, for me anyway, about learning at my own pace and learning the best ways for me. I’ve always been a visual learner, I’d say I’m a healthy balance now as I’m at the point in my life where I finally enjoy reading. In all fairness though that definitely has something to do with the fact that I now really get to choose my topics of interest.

During our last choir rehearsals my instructor said jokingly but somewhat sternly, “Melissa, are you a last minute learner?” and I had to laugh because yes I am. I may not yet know the songs you sent me weeks ago but you can bet I’ll have it nailed by performance time. I remember the days in high school, especially Physiology, where I would wake up at 4am to start cramming for a test I had that afternoon. Memorize and regurgitate was the name of the game in high school. Thankfully I now enjoy studying and learning new things and synthesis is a great example.

I started with just synthesis and wasn’t satisfied knowing there had to be more to it, especially to be an angel card so I put ‘spiritual’ in front of it and this is what I got. According to theenlightenmentjourney.com spiritual synthesis is the process of harmonizing different realities in convergence (when two or more things come together to form a whole) moments. It involves integrating diverse spiritual perspectives, embracing oneness and balancing the material and the spiritual realms, with an emphasis on community.

It recognizes that different paths can lead to the same ultimate truth where everyone is seeking a common ground. This concept acknowledges that spiritual growth and understanding can be enhanced by appreciating the wisdom and insights from different traditions. Harmonizing diverse realities allows individuals to transcend (go beyond) limited perspectives and expand their understanding of the spiritual realm. By embracing diverse realities we can tap into a wider range of spiritual teachings along with practices but with the same goal at the end of the day which is personal growth and a deeper connection to the divine.

There’s a lot of power with spiritual synthesis and the way I see it it involves a little bit of this and a little bit of that, whatever it takes to get you where you need to be which is ultimately enlightened, or at the very least awake and aware. I don’t like putting labels on anything anymore and especially when it comes to religion. You have to understand religion is man made, all of it, every single one of ’em and each of ’em thinks there’s is the right way or the better one. Silly really because when it comes down to it, we’re all praying to the same God, we just call It something different. And yes I say It because, for one, God isn’t human, and two God isn’t human. God is an entity, not a being and actually the more I think about it God is more of an essence but that’s just me and it really doesn’t matter because God just is.

Speaking of me, we’ll use me as an example and these are just a few. Yes I am baptized Christian but I also believe (and practice on myself and close friends) in pranic healing which is Hindu. I would definitely say I have New Age attributes and I do practice tarot even though there’s nothing new about it, tarot’s been around since the 15th century. You could say I identify with some paganism, I’m very connected to nature, the elementals and I’m a big fan of maiden, mother, crone. Then there’s Buddhism, I 100% believe in Dharma and Karma. It’s time society as a whole learns to embrace spiritual synthesis as a convergence and see things from a higher perspective. We are all living in one big pot of soup with so many different ingredients that most aren’t even aware of, and I haven’t even mentioned the extraterrestrial components. And in all fairness, I wasn’t aware of most until these past few years but it’s exactly why my beautiful mother left the physical plane and that’s so I could wake up to the truth of it all.

There will come a day when we all believe in the same thing, the one God, and I’m pretty sure that’s exactly why I’m here. But until then we should at least be able to start with walking down the street and seeing the different cultures and recognizing the different expressions and then have an understanding that we all have the same common denominator we just call it something different. Some people wear turbans, others wear crosses. Some meditate while others pray. We all have one thing in common and that’s that we believe in God, whatever you call It. It’s not easy to change who we are in regards of behavior and reactions but we can start with a mutual respect for one another.

No religion is better than the other, there is no right or wrong way to have pure intentions and want to be closer to God which in my world translates into Love. There’s no right or wrong way to enlightenment. Whatever works to help you better yourself. If something is ‘wrong’ then it’s simply a lesson to show you what’s right, or a better way. That’s why they lovingly sent us masters. We were sent masters in every major religion and every single one of ’em basically came to teach the same things and that’s peace, love, understanding and acceptance. Side note, I tried watching One Love, the movie about Bob Marley and was having a hard time with the accents so I turned on subtitles and I still had a hard time understanding it. I thought that was pretty funny.

I bought this ring in Colorado right before I left for Costa Rica, before leaving for good. My eyes were immediately drawn to it in the Isis bookstore in Denver. I’m almost positive the girl behind the counter told me it represented maiden, mother, crone. I had no idea what that meant in the slightest at the time but bought it anyway because it spoke to me. Now I love everything it stands for and that’s play like a maiden, nurture like a mother and think like a crone. However upon researching for something totally different I stumbled across another picture of what it might represent and that’s the Wiccan Law of Threefold. I’m all about death and rebirth, but which is it? Doesn’t really matter to me, it can sit on my finger and represent both as far as I’m concerned.

I am probably the best example of spiritual convergence because I believe there’s a little truth in everything relying heavily on my intuition, my signs and my claircognizance to decipher the bits and pieces. There’s no way I only believe in Christianity, as a matter of fact I don’t even believe in everything Christianity has to say which makes me think of yesterday at church. Someone said to me that so many people (at church) love me which felt great to hear yes but it also got me thinking while I was sitting there. What are all these people who do love and adore me, what are they all gonna think when they find out how I really feel? It’s almost gonna put every single one of ’em to the test of how Christians are supposed to act and that’s without judgment.

It’s difficult to not judge, it’s almost human nature and that’s thanks to conditioning. Even I find myself sometimes judging without realizing but that’s also why I’ve been through so much and have no problem being humbled. I feel as though it’s an important part of my journey and that’s so I don’t judge others because chances are I’ve been there. I’m just grateful I’m able to recognize when I may be judging someone and can then correct myself. Don’t wanna be the ridiculous reptile, judgmental number 5 lol. But yeah, I can’t help but wonder how my church is tied to where I’m headed because I know it is, and it’s more than just to volunteer my time and worship. The church isn’t just a positive place to hang out, I feel as though it has something to do with my awakening, but on a deeper level. Like it might have something to do with how everyone will react when it’s time. I can’t even pinpoint it, it’s just a feeling.

Universal spirituality is the new name of the game.
