Spirit, Totem & Power Animals

I personally believe they’re all interchangeable but of course it’s going to be different with every culture and for example Native American is pretty specific about it but for me all the animals are interchangeable and I kind of put ’em all into the same category. That’s the beauty about spirituality though is you can figure it out for yourself because what means one thing to one person isn’t going exactly mean the same for the next. And it’s basically what resonates most for you. For me it’s just easier to kind of put ’em all in the same category rather than try and remember the difference between all three. Or four cause there’s animal medicine too. Spirituality is a lot like astrology and astronomy you can study it your whole life and still have something to learn.

But if you wanna get technical some say spirit animal shows up when you need ’em the most, totem animals are who you are and power animals are the ones that you invoke when you need help.

If you really wanna know I did invoke the dragon power animal just last week because well it’s about that time. My front runners have always been the owl, the raven/crow and hummingbird and now I’ve got turtles, sea and land, and now dragon. I’ve also had the fox, raccoon, squirrel, I mean they come and go so there’s been a lot and yes they all pertain to exactly what’s happening at that particular moment in my life it’s pretty cool stuff. Pretty crazy cool.

And for the record they’ve all crossed my path literally in front of my eyeballs for example before I left Colorado, right before I was furloughed from my job and about a month after my mom passed I was coming home from work probably around midnight,  three nights in a row I saw a fox in the exact same spot cross the street in front of my truck before I got on the highway. Kid you not almost the same exact time, the same exact spot, crossed the road in front of my vehicle and it was three nights in a row. Coincidence? At the time that’s what I thought I’m sure. Now? Not a  chance, synchronicity! I swear to God right this second as I am typing that paragraph a notification popped up about a reading for me and the title of it was “ARIES-RIGHT ON TARGET”….I can’t make this shit up!

That is synchronistic confirmation at its finest and it’s mind blowing and that kind of stuff happens to me all day everyday and that is so just the wonderful life of spirit. I mean it’s really hard not to always be in a good mood because they always have your back. Your Angels, Guides, Ancestors, Ascended Masters (Jesus), Universe, Gaia, Divine, Spirit and the big dawg we call God!

Another example, before I was about to take a walk to the beach for whatever reason I called upon my Angels and Guides for a sign probably to let me know that they’re there but who knows cause I call upon ’em everyday for something. I don’t know if I shared this already but like I said they call me repita so when I got to the end of the pier, it was about 8 o’clock at night, I was pretty much by myself at the very corner at the end of the pier and I’m just staring at the black water that was lit up by the lights when all of a sudden a huge sea turtle surfaced just long enough for me to see it and went back under. Literally right below where I could see it crystal clear. Magical. Absolutely magical.

Another example, when I was living in my little pup tent in my brother’s courtyard not too long ago, whatever my situation was here comes this raccoon literally walking the perimeter of the fence. We stared at each other for what seemed like eternity LOL but I minded my business and he mined his and he went on his merry way. I’m sure when I looked up what the racoon spirit animal was all about I’m sure it pertained to exactly how I was feeling in the situation that I was in. I don’t really remember right this second cause I’m not good with Johnny on the spot and I could look it up but I’ve got a lot of journals LOL. Racoons are super cute but they can also fuck you up, big time. Don’t mess with raccoons. Just sayin’.

Same happened with a squirrel. Shoot, I thought he was gonna come in and spoon with me there for a second he got that close and stayed that long LOL. But I’m telling you mother nature and the spirit world are magical amazing stuff. And this is how it works people. And all you gotta do is let it in. All you gotta do is believe. I wouldn’t trade it for the world, in fact im sure I’ve embraced it so I can help the world.

NOW I’m gonna go get that walk and just in time for sunset. Perfect.