Spirituality…My Deeper Dive

Spirit wanted me to reflect a little more so let’s dive a little deeper shall we. We are all luminous spirits, beacons of light cloaked in human form here to recognize the inner light that shines within us. This inner light allows us to see amidst the noise of our physical existence. It requires patience and reflection to tune into the subtler frequencies of our being. Awakening to ones inner light isn’t a momentary or instant gratification but rather a gradual realization, a process of unfolding (ever so slowly) as one peels away at all the layers.

The journey begins with a recognition that we are spiritual beings having a human experience which is the essence of our true selves. It is unchangeable and it is eternal. It is our spiritual nature to want to bridge the gap between the separation and division of one another which then reveals the interconnectedness of all life. Intuition speaks volumes of our spiritual life identity, it’s that instinctive knowing, that gut feeling, the voice of truth that whispers to us before the mind has a chance to complicate things with it’s ego and thought process. When you follow your intuition against all odds and then find it to be true, you’re tuning into the wisdom of your higher self.

I’m reminded that creating space for silence and solitude isn’t meant to be voids of loneliness but rather a place where the inner light can shine so it can be seen. It’s meant for us to feel the fullness of our existence beyond the physical, beyond the roles and routines of the mundane. We are spirits learning to master the human experience. We’re disguised in a body that allows us to interact with one another enabling us to experience Earth through our five senses. We mingle in the material world with our carefully chosen vessels that have been tailored to each and every one of us, made specifically to address our souls needs along our journeys evolution. The senses allow us to experience the full spectrum of emotions and sensations, each playing a critical role in expanding our consciousness.

Many are on a quest for purpose and connection on a spiritual level, which are equally as important as the physical needs of food and shelter. Our daily routines can be opportunities for spiritual practices where something as simple as eating can turn into a moment of mindfulness. Mindfulness at grass roots is simply being aware of the now. By blessing ones food and saying thank you, we can express gratitude for the nourishment of our bodies and thank Mother Gaia for producing it. By eating healthy we honor our temples that house our souls. Fitness can be seen as a ritual of self-respect and meditation along with prayer are fantastic avenues for quieting the chaos and finding inner peace.

By surrounding ourselves with people who honor and respect humanity along with spirituality, we surround ourselves with people who honor and nurture our growth. It’s important to choose people who challenge you in a good way and who ultimately want to see you succeed. These are the people who act as mirrors reflecting who you truly are. When you honor both your spiritual essence and your physical form you’ll find that the human experience doesn’t have to feel all up hill full of trial and error but rather as an adventure full of opportunities to learn and expand.

Every lesson is designed to strengthen and illuminate the light inside each of us. Every conflict, turmoil, heartache or disappointment carries a seed of spiritual enrichment that’s vital for our growth and evolution. Every struggle whether that be in relationships, finances, careers, goals, addictions, you name it, they’re all finely disguised opportunities to deepen our resilience, spiritual or otherwise.

Practicing patience and empathy along with the art of listening aren’t just ways to be nice, they’re tools in our spiritual toolbox that when fine-tuned can elevate our understanding of human nature. When we detach from materialistic measures we can realize abundance isn’t just about what’s in our bank accounts. When we release the need to keep up with the Joneses we can then experience abundance in a more spiritual form. Gratitude and contentment with what you already have no matter how big or small will then illuminate your path even with what may seem the darkest of times.

Mindfulness and self-reflection are invaluable as they show us how to create space for stillness especially amidst all the chaos. It’s in the stillness that we find clearer perspectives and are able to connect to our inner calmness, which in turn then charges our spiritual energy. When we’re fully charged we can then return to the challenges of everyday life feeling renewed and ready to go. Mindfulness and self-reflection both teach us to live fully in the present moment and without judgements.

Getting into the habit of examining your own actions (as opposed to others) allows you to better understand your triggers so at the end of the day nothing can really trigger you. Every trigger is just an emotion looking to be healed. Learn to recognize your patterns and behaviors and then without judgement make the changes necessary to fix ’em. Every pattern is just a behavior needing to be transformed. With every healing and transformation one becomes more aligned with their spiritual ideals. Become the alchemist that transmutes challenges into triumphs. Every challenge is a stepping stone to better understanding who we truly are and allows us to enhance our capacity to love, forgive and grow as individuals.

The ultimate goal is to see beyond the superficial layers of people we encounter and learn to see the light that’s inside everyone. Every human is more than just the exterior, we are all extensions of Source, we are all divine sparks. We are all fragments of the same universal energy, good or evil, light or dark. When we can shift our perspective and see that each is more than just the roles we play we can fundamentally change the nature of our interactions. Everybody possesses a deep reservoir of spiritual light it’s just that most, or some, aren’t connected to it, they’re untapped, unplugged and living in the illusion of separation. This shift in perception allows for profound growth in tolerance, compassion and forgiveness.

We are all fellow travelers, all on our own unique individual journey and every single soul is at a different level. Everybody has their own cross to bear and their own mountain to climb. Remember that next time someone cuts you off or acts out of anger because that’s what they’ve been conditioned to do. Reaction is key. The next time someone does something you don’t particularly care for remind yourself we all have our own struggles and remember that those struggles are real. This recognition then makes way for a deeper sense of unity breaking down the illusion of separateness.

When we see others as beings of light we’re reminded of the interconnectedness of all life. Seeing the interconnectedness between all walks of life helps change your behavior in a positive way. Try looking at people with your spiritual eyes in addition to your physical. Go beyond the superficiality and listen so you can understand by responding and not reacting. Easier said than done but with practice and mindfulness anything is possible. Each person we encounter is both a mirror and a teacher reflecting parts of our own inner light offering lessons in ways to help better ourselves. Believe me I just a big fat lesson in this one.

Humanity’s transformation starts on individual levels. It starts with each and every one of us on an individual basis meaning we all have to make changes independently with the purest of intentions to do just that. With each step forward, with every healing large or small, we send out those ripples to others sending with them encouragement to help transform the world. With each action we take, every decision we make, all are opportunities with potentiality of powerful ways to spread Love and Light.

Living as a beacon of light is all about embodying compassion, empathy and unconditional love with everything we do and with every person we meet. I know it’s not all rainbows and butterflies and not everyone has good intentions but that’s when spiritual maturity comes into play and all you can do at that point is send blessings and be okay with being the bigger person. When we react from a place of understanding that’s unconditional, not only should it make you feel better but you could also be altering the moods of those who need it the most. You could be positively influencing or at the very least planting that invisible seed in others to take a step towards choosing kindness.

This takes time and even I’m not there yet but I am actively working on it every chance I get. Luckily the universe doesn’t keep score so I just keep going. I do my best to be a guiding light for others. It’s through my experiences I can show others how to pave the way. Haha and I wanted to know why my life was on blast a couple weeks ago. Thanks Spirit for making me answer my own question.

Writing is one of my favorite creative outlets and today is a prime example as this has turned out to be a very lengthy post. We all have our own creative outlets and in most cases we all have more than one. We all have our own ways to manifest our light creatively. Creativity is the language of the soul and it allows us to communicate on so many levels. Creative communications are simply forms of expression. When we share our expressions with others we share pieces of our soul that have the potential to influence others. Awakening others creative outlets and spiritual awareness then causes that chain reaction of ripples of goodness spreading positivity and encouragement that have the potential to touch the lives and hearts of others in ways we may not have thought possible.

I pray my words are a testament of hope and resilience for those not yet able to realize they too are their own light at the end of the tunnel. When we express our spirituality through creativity we inspire and heal and transform. We are at the precipice to lift and enlighten and begin to change the world. Baby steps. That’s how we manifest our light, by taking baby steps and by being a part of the evolution towards a better community, towards a better humanity. Be the change you want to see.

As a seeker, a seer and a true believer I am here to anchor the light and offer guidance through my own experiences with my spiritual growth. It’s pretty fair to say four years ago I was unplugged. I always believed in something but certainly lost my way and was struggling to know who I really was. Look at me now. I’m Fearless Aries, Americas sweetheart with a dash of sass. Okay probably more than a dash but who’s measuring. I’m a Starseed Earth Angelic of the 144 here on assignment who’s in service while in lesson.

I’ve learned that nothing in life is trivial, everything has meaning. Whether you call it destiny, mile markers or simply believing that what’s meant for you will never pass you by (I believe in all of ’em), through forgiveness and understanding and the power to change ourselves for the better, all our paths will lead to the same place and that’s peace on Earth and goodwill towards mankind.