Arizona Angel Numbers & Friends

Rolled up to one of my besties yesterday afternoon and man does it feel good to be here, so grateful for their friendship and unconditional love. (Erin) Jean and I have been friends since high school and it just feels good to be around someone who gets you. Well she get’s me but she doesn’t get my journey and that’s okay she doesn’t have to, she loves me anyway. Most people don’t understand my journey at this point, sometimes I don’t either but again that’s okay. I was told however long ago that I need to be okay with people not knowing my side of the story so I don’t try and make people understand. Some day everything will come together and make sense but until then I’ll just keep on truckin’.

Feelin’ the love
Doesn’t get any cuter than a puppy w/a cast


Charlie and Jake

Spent the day with the girls, we went and surprised mom at her work, I wanted to see her in action. I’m so proud of Jean, she’s an instructor at Midwestern University and it was just awesome to see her all up in her element.

That’s my girl lol

Bruno’s eyeball
I thought it was (inappropriately) funny


My new favorite song…

Love and Light