Synchronicity has got to be one of my favorite words. It’s a concept first introduced by Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung. He describes it as certain coincidences happening not by chance. At grass roots it’s a phenomenon in which things occur at the same time. I like to describe it as magical coincidences. For example, have you ever walked outside just to see a magnificent rainbow? Or been passing a street light just as it turns on? Those are synchronicities. Then you throw in a little pixie dust and they become magical.
Is a specific video that pops up in my YouTube feed synchronistic? Maybe, maybe not but for the sake of the subject right now we’re gonna say yes. Not only was this video magical, it was also so needed and there’s no doubt in my mind Spirit knows that and is exactly why I received it. Sure videos pop up in my feed daily but every now and again I get that one that’s really meant for my eyes at this precise moment in time, either to teach me something, tell me something or really make me feel like this is all for purpose. To reassure me that I’m never alone. The floodgates opened while I watched intently and listened to every syllable really, my uncontrollable floodgates are one way of confirming this was a special message just for me.
My synchronicities only got better as the day went on. This morning I had a dentist appointment and on my way out I couldn’t help but notice the time. The song playing at this exact moment was beautiful too. Beautifully synchronistic. And what a great song from back in the day, it sure speaks a lot of truth. On my way home I saw a license plate with angel number 1111, then 444 and not once but twice with 111. My mom was coming in strong today.
After the dentist I went to Knotts to connect with my inner child and I always look at it as having lunch with my mom. I like to get Panda Express, one of her favorite past time places to eat. I get my food to-go and then head over to the Boardwalk because they’re always playing oldies but goodies. I was sitting there eating my chow mien super greens enjoying the song and people watching (also one of my moms favorite past times) and wouldn’t you know it, my mom showed up. I kid you not this lady sat down long enough for me to grab my phone and capture the moment before she just up and left. I’m noticing a theme with the songs too.
Couldn’t help but notice a ladybug in the bushes while standing in line for Excelorator. That’s twice I’ve seen a ladybug two days in a row. Synchronistic? I don’t know but it’s pretty cool nonetheless. Not sure what happened with camera 1 yesterday, skeptics can say what they want but I’ll vote Spirit. I didn’t even know why I took it twice till after the fact.

And there you have it, my beautifully synchronistic day. Synchronicity is also a good indicator you’re in the flow, on the right path, in alignment with your assignments, however you wanna word it. Damn it feels good to be a gangster. A spiritual gangster that is, thank you Spirit for everything.