Tests from the Universe

The Universe is notorious for testing individuals to see how far they’ve come on their journey and yesterday was exam day. The tests are to see if you’ve learned your lessons, learned to love yourself, grown spiritually and everything in between. Growth is one of the front runners for a spiritual awakening. Spiritual growth involves an expansion of your awareness on many levels from self-care and self-love to higher consciousness along with discovering many truths. The main objective is to help you embody your Soul or Higher Self allowing you to live your life through your heart and away from your ego.

It started at the bank yesterday. I don’t use my bank account very often anymore because number one the value of the dollar is diminishing and number two I prefer to use cash because I don’t need the government knowing my every move. After many failed attempts at finding a particular type of fan I needed locally I was forced, if you will, to turn to Amazon.

I’m not a fan of Amazon anymore because I know their intentions and motives and I try very hard not to support Amazon for many reasons, but again I really needed a fan because in case you haven’t noticed it’s been pretty effing hot lately. I went to deposit some money and it turns out one of the twenties I received the day prior was counterfeit. I was at CVS two days ago getting a physical for my new job and cashed a hundred dollar bill.

The teller gently told me she had to confiscate it and I wouldn’t be compensated. I paused, then chuckled and said, “well damn, that sucks.” At the end of the day it’s nobody’s fault it just is so no sense in getting upset over it cause there’s nothing you can do about it. But I almost instantly realized that this is a test from the Universe to see how I’m going to react because let’s be real I’m an Aries, I’m 47% fire with a Leo Rising and my past would prove me to be not so patient, understanding or quiet about it.

I’ve learned that it’s more about the reaction than the action itself and the fact that I can now remain cool calm and collected and rationalize reasons for this that and the other shows just how far I have come in my journey of self-discovery so go me.

The next test was kind of silly but a test nonetheless. When I was looking into ordering my fan a few days ago the delivery was next day however when I actually did order my fan, which was yesterday, now the delivery date is Friday. I’m thinking wait what now it’s four days? I was feeling a wee bit frustrated because the past few nights have been a little rough to say the least. But again there’s nothing I can do about it so why waste any type of (negative) energy on something I can’t control so I completed my purchase and went on my merry way. The irony now is that it was much cooler yesterday and last night I slept handsomely.

Mercury retrograde didn’t disappoint as it likes to stir up past relationships and/or people, and then in my world with the Universe wanting to see how I’ll react once again on top of it. I’m not going to go into much detail with the situation just know that yes I’ve learned my lessons and my self-love and self-worth are on point. Needless to say I passed with flying colors.

Love and Light