The airshow didn’t disappoint as we all gathered to watch jets, helicopters and the like fly around Huntington Beach making cool sounds cruising through the beautiful blue sky. Spent the day laughing and watching with some friends from the chapel while handing out free waters and prayers for those who needed it. I don’t care who you are, everyone needs prayer for something. Here’s some pictures for your visual enjoyment…
First heart of the day, and then the second. It’s all about love or at least in time it will be because that IS how God intended life to be lived.
As you could imagine it was super crowded. I had just arrived in Huntington Beach last year when I heard them practicing but due to an oil spill the show was cancelled. The ocean was a parking lot full of boats too. The picture doesn’t really do it justice, I was impressed to say the least.
Not to be a Debbie downer or anything because the overall day was super fun but I couldn’t help but think well the jokes on us as we’re all probably being crop dusted with chem trails all day. I was joking of course, I don’t know if they were chem trails but I wouldn’t be surprised. We sure had a good laugh with that one cause I just couldn’t resist. Luckily the crew I was with were all on that same page too. Speaking of, meet my friend Donna Thompson.
Quite similar to my long lost beloved Dana (spelled Dana, pronounced Donna) Tomsons who transitioned roughly four years ago. Not only are the names eerily similar, their personalities are too and I do find comfort in hanging out and laughing with this lady. I sure do miss my partner in crime though but she knows that. She loves to make your presence known every now and again with songs by The Cranberries. One of my all time favorite bands, but of course she knows that too and is why she plays ’em for me. Thanks girlfriend.
Huntington Beach has some phenomenal sunsets as you can imagine and yesterday was one of ’em. There was also this young man playing the violin which sounded wonderful and all but I couldn’t help but to be a ball of mixed emotions as it took me back to the Titanic and gave me this feeling of dread like shits about to go down. Time will tell.
Love and Light