The Anunnaki Misconception

Did the Anunnaki create human beings? Not exactly. They genetically modified our ancestors (cousins) who were already here and turned us into homo sapien sapiens. I did ask for clarification when it comes to Adam and Eve because I knew I didn’t have the whole story so thank you Billy Carson for bringing it to my attention. I couldn’t help but laugh when he did speak about those two and hopefully you will too. Perhaps for those who don’t it’s the classic, what too soon? I’m still in the process of dissecting it all and I must say I am hoping and praying that some of my hidden knowledge holds all this information. If my soul is as old as I’m being told then all of this information is already within me so I don’t have to go and read every ancient text, that would be lovely. In the meantime, I’ll keep listening to what my favorite trio have to say while reading what’s also brought to my attention.

When it comes to the Anunnaki I’ll be honest I was under the assumption they were bad, the dark beings if you will and if I’m being honest again then I have to admit I’m still learning because it’s still a bit of a grey area for me but again and with all fairness it’s a lot of information. It’s just part of my amnesia I suppose, why I still don’t know but for whatever reason I have to relearn everything within me but someday I will remember and like I mentioned before it’s when everything will make sense. Apparently, however, we are all Anunnaki because we all have the DNA of these beings running through our veins which I did in fact directly ask my guides just that. I asked if everyone was extraterrestrial or just some of us. Short answer is D. All of the above.

Ask and you shall receive though, my favorite answer next to all of the above. I asked about whether we were seeded by Anunnaki or Pleiadians. I asked about the origins of Adam and Eve and this video answers them both along with much more. And again, I didn’t go looking for it, it came to me. In fact, I’ve never even been to Billy Carson’s website, most of my information finds me. In this video he also briefly talks about Yeshua, genetic manipulation or tampering, in vitro fertilization (what I believe myself to be), the Book of Enoch, artificial beings (AI) and I love how he squashes the dinosaur theory that we were all taught in one sentence which isn’t the fist time I’ve heard it so thank you for that confirmation too.

We need to reconnect with our frequencies (Source) not to mention our ‘junk’ DNA that was and has been disconnected. We need to start paying attention to our pineal glands and higher consciousness which is what I’m here to do, help us all do that one way or another. We need to get back to love and compassion and understanding one another with no judgements, everything Yeshua and every Ascended Master who came from the stars was here to do. We all have spiritual gifts tucked within our DNA that is lying dormant just waiting to be tapped into which are known as our extra sensory perceptions.

Hopefully it’s not copywritten, but in the event here’s the link.

I took a few screenshots as I was watching because I couldn’t help but notice similarities.

doesn’t that look like a transformer?


that looks very similar to the featured image on my article about remembrance


this one just spoke to me

God is a frequency.

Love and Light