The Aries Solar Eclipse 2024

According to Vedic Astrology (and Native Americans) it’s wise to lay low and take it easy, staying indoors if possible, during a solar eclipse because of the massive amounts of energy shifting. I think it would be pretty cool to see one in totality so who knows really. Stillness and silence is needed to hear what Spirit and our souls are saying. Quieting and calming the Aries charge is essential to understanding the bigger picture during this eclipse, as well as what’s necessary to integrate from our souls for new beginnings that are arriving. A solar eclipse is like the universe showing up at your front door to say what up, wanna see how dynamic I am? In case you weren’t aware, a (total) solar eclipse is when the earth, sun and moon align perfectly and is happening this Monday on the 8th. Some say it’s an extraordinary coincidence but when you live in a world like mine it’s the solar system doing extraordinary things, perhaps through this perfect alignment we may even see some hidden magic.

For me this eclipse is activating the higher consciousness of love and I’m praying for the collective as well as we are in the season of change. The season where we choose empathy, compassion, gratitude and unity above all else recognizing we are the Light of the world. Everything is meant to start shifting to align humanity with the higher consciousness of love where we will be receiving energetic and DNA upgrades to assist us with ascension.

Ascension (to 5D) is our journey to awakening who and what we are in Divine Truth, which is a multidimensional being with infinite potential. We are ultimately here to awaken to the realization that we are one with God, we are here to expand that divine love which is the source and substance of all creation. We are all sparks, extensions, of the Creative Source. It’s a journey of transformation where you reclaim the highest most divine true you and then learn to actualize your divine power here on the earthly plane.

While the dark keeps playing games on the matrix plane it’s important (especially for me) to hold the light while they continue to lose their grip over power and control. Resistance will continue to grow among those who stay in the 3rd and lower 4th dimensions of consciousness. There are many that are still holding onto and will continue to hold onto the old world and the way of doing things but for those choosing to move into 5D, we will no longer be at that vibrational frequency.

Whatever happens in your reality during and after the eclipse is simply a reflection of your own vibrational frequency. The good news is there’s always room for change and now would be the time to make that change. A solar eclipse amplifies both new and existing energies making it the best time for quick changes on personal and collective levels. It’s a good time to release what isn’t working for you, release what’s not helping you on your chosen path right now. With further activations of our DNA where our bodies are changing from carbon based to crystalline, it will allow for faster manifestations and more synchronicities in our daily lives. I heard something pretty eye-opening when it comes to manifestation…

Patience. And a keen interest in the outcome. That’s all it takes.

The eclipse is a time to be more in tune with your thoughts and actions allowing you to fully align with your soul-self as we move beyond the timelines of duality. Appreciate how far you’ve come and how much you’ve grown. Even though we can’t see it right now, we are progressing as a collective. Be mindful of the media, which is their biggest tool, spreading more chaos with all the fearmongering. They use the collectives energies to bring about their low vibrational realities by programming their desired timelines into the collective consciousness. Don’t fall for their scare tactics. Control, strict hierarchies and the notion that there isn’t enough for everybody are the foundations for their systems that are now starting to crumble.

Everything that’s happening isn’t random chaos, it’s the direct result of personal and collective energy shifting as more and more people are waking up and they’re doing everything they can to hang onto what power they have left. The key is to stop believing their fearmongering tactics and stories. When we fully realize we don’t have to follow their rules, when we rise up knowing the systems don’t have to be this way they lose their power over the organizations that put profit over people. Governments and social systems that keep secrets and stand for inequality will ultimately collapse.

The energy shifts with the new belief that a kinder world exists and with each decision to put love over fear. This includes how we treat one another and especially how we treat Mother Gaia. The belief in change and the focus on Light is where the power is now shifting. The 5th dimension isn’t just about having better thoughts and manifesting your hearts desires, it’s also about accepting that much of what we worry about is out of our hands anyway so don’t waste your precious energy or lower your vibrations.

True power has never been about controlling the external world, even though that’s what they’ve been doing, it’s about mastering your inner world. It’s about letting go, and believe me I’ve been getting big fat lessons in just that these past few weeks, I’m still working on it. Intentions help shape reality yes but there’s a lightness, no pun intended, that comes from releasing the desperate need for things to go exactly as you planned. The eclipse will intensify everything so release the old habits and believe in the flow of your own resilience. Embrace the unknown.

Eclipses are interesting because they show the art of light and dark dancing with each other but this isn’t just about good and evil it’s about showing the other side of the coin. We wouldn’t appreciate the light without the darkness and this eclipse will illuminate the things hidden within ourselves shining a cosmic flashlight on some old wounds or bad habits. Once you recognize them we can then face them and make the necessary changes. Every ending contains the seed of a new beginning and the eclipse is here to remind us that major changes in consciousness have often come after times of darkness.

It’s my job now, along with all the other Lightworkers and Starseeds, to be the lighthouses of hope that’s necessary to help shift these energies for this cosmic cycle, to help transition into a more promising future. Now is the time to let our divine nature shine and radiate from our heart centers allowing the love to flow with every act of kindness, every honest word spoken and all the support offered. I don’t know about you but I’m ready for some positive changes. Be the change you want to see.

These guys don’t have anything to do with the eclipse really, maybe we’ll see fire and smoke. I just wanted to share because I think they’re AMAZING!!!

Love and Light