The Great Awakening

Sigh. I do my best to try and keep my blog as positive as possible however I also now have a moral obligation to always do the right thing and if that means posting information that may be controversial, which I’m no stranger to, then that’s what I do, it’s just part of the reason (unbeknownst to me at the time) they had me create this blog. Thank you Dr. John Campbell for also having no fear in spreading the truth that they so desperately try to keep hidden from the masses. And thank you Tony for doing the same. These videos had me up late last night but it’s no coincidence they all showed up at the same time.


Here’s the whole story. Well, certainly not the whole story because nobody really knows the whole story and only God knows how it will all end. It will all end though, but in the mean time these next couple decades are gonna be rough. I heard it explained, or compared rather to giving birth. Mother Earth is in the beginning process, labor if you will, of birthing a new era, a new world. Any woman who’s experienced the birthing process is well aware it’s uncomfortable, it’s painful and can be lengthy but in the end you have a beautiful new creation and that’s exactly what’s happening on our planet right now. I’m not talking about the reset, I’m talking about when that exhausts itself and it too collapses. In the event they take down this video because freedom of speech isn’t so free these days, it’s The Great Awakening documentary for 2023. Thank you to the film maker Mikki Willis, talk about no fear and bravery.

There’s no way I’m going to end this on anything but a positive note so with that said, this video also crossed my path last night and for it I say thank you. Hang in there everybody, it will get better.


Love and Light