The Illuminati, Kanye & Dr. John Campbell

1967? These people know how to keep a secret.

I’ve always liked Kanye West. I’ve got news for ya, sorry not sorry, Hollywood’s not the cool crowd anymore and have been corrupt for a long as the rest of ’em. This stuff all goes so deep I can’t even keep up with it all. I wish I didn’t know the half of it.

Believe it.

Can’t argue with Dr. John Campbell. He’s vaccinated and started out trusting science, and why wouldn’t he, he’s been in the medical field for almost three decades, and is now slowly but surely waking up to the bullshit narrative. He speaks truth through evidence.

Sigh. It certainly can be challenging to stay positive when we’re constantly being hit with truth bombs and mind blowing and life changing information but it’s imperative that we try. The only way to fail is when you don’t try at all. You want to know what I do when I’m feeling the pressure, I go feed some goats. Goats are rad, baby goats are even better. Keep your head up, keep smiling and stay optimistic my friends.

Happy Thanksgiving

Love and Light