The Little Things

The Little Things

Oh how it’s the little things in life. The little things we take for granted. Got my monthly bill as usual and while I brought SOME tampons I didn’t bring enough for the entire duration. Went to the local market to purchase my next round and picked out the ones I thought would accommodate best (04/11/2021).
Mind you, I’m kind of uppity with my cotton rockets, I like what I like. I didn’t bring a butt ton because packing space was limited. It may as well have been Christmas because when I opened the box, MERRY EFFING CHRISTMAS, they were my usual tampons disguised by a pink box.



“It may as well have been Christmas…”

Speaking of Christmas, another moment of OMG say it isn’t so, all the girls went to get ice the other night and to my sweet Jesus surprise they have eggnog ice cream.
My absolute, all time favorite ice cream that I can only enjoy one month out of the year thank you Walmart. One of the housemates didn’t even know what eggnog was, never heard of it. Guess they don’t do eggnog in London.


 The bus system is similar to the states, minus the money. I found it interesting, but that’s probably cause I took the  bus for 8 years in Colorado, long time. And yes I definitely have respect for ones driving privileges now. 

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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