The Matrix

I felt called to watch The Matrix recently so that’s exactly what I did. I was probably the only person left who hadn’t seen it yet but whatevs, better late than never, right? Or in my world, the way I see it, I wasn’t meant to see it just yet because it wouldn’t have made as much sense to me then as it does to me now.

It was a Matrix marathon actually as I watched all four of ’em. I’ve gotta say I was pleasantly surprised, they’re pretty good. The second one was more fighting than anything else, in my opinion, but overall for someone who’s not as big of a sci-fi fan as her mother I enjoyed ’em on an entertainment level.

On another level, I’m getting really good at reading between the lines these days, there were a lot inuendoes and subliminal messages and some of ’em not even really hidden. I feel like I’ve already swallowed that red pill and am just getting started. It’s just another piece to the jigsaw puzzle of life I’m slowly putting together.

It was no coincidence a couple days ago my friend Megs randomly called to invite me to stay with her for a few days either and The Matrix was free to watch on her Roku as I haven’t watched or even owned a TV for two and half years. I’m telling you, God’s always seeing the bigger picture as I’m merely seeing the one that’s right in front my face, most of the time. He’s constantly moving things around, making things happen behind the scenes and I couldn’t be more grateful. It never seizes to amaze me how I always get what I need when I need it and how information becomes available to me at precisely the right time too.

What exactly I’m supposed to do with some of the information right this second is still to be known, but that’s okay because that will come with time. Patience is a word that I’ve truly come to learn, understand, value and just get. I get it…I have to be patient. I’ve learned through my recent life lessons and challenges that my timing is rarely God’s timing but trust and believe I have faith in His Divine right timing and know I must be patient.

Eight simple ways to deprogram from the Matrix. Its a start anyway.

1. Break free from the shackles of organized religion… Yikes, that’s the bitter pill for me to swallow considering I just got to mine. While I’m not ready to completely remove myself from my church I’m mature enough now to understand people have different perspectives in what works for them, and I can respect that. I can also just keep mine to myself, for now.

2. Stop giving your power away to authority… this is a no-brainer for me personally considering I don’t really get along with authority, never have and never will. I’ve been living in my car for almost a year now (crazy I know but I’ve pretty much mastered it by now which is a huge life lesson for me) and in all that time I’ve never sought government assistance. Sure I qualify for food stamps and what not but I refuse to use it, not only out of principle in not giving my power away, but it’s also balancing my codependent karma and for that I say thank you.

3. Question the dominant economic system… HA, I question EVERYTHING nowadays.

4. Detach yourself from consumerism... I was pretty much forced into this but at the end of the day it’s a better way of living. It’s just stuff. What really matters is what’s inside.

5. Beware of the (mainstream) media… understatement of the year. They really are just another form of the government and neither one of ’em have our best interest in mind.

6. Be mindful of what you put in your body… that speaks for itself on many levels from the biggest being the obvious, and the smallest being the food you put into your body on a daily.

7. Read eye-opening books… hahaha, on it. Check, check and check.

8. Develop mindfulness… start by bringing your attention to the present moment and experiencing it without evaluation or judgment and then develop it through things like meditation and/or prayer. Baby steps.

Temet Nosce.

Love and Light