The Real Plandemic
Well shit.
Turns out the real pandemic is the Pedogate. The pedophilia ring ran by the Democrats. Don’t believe me, check out I don’t know how many times I have to reference where real fact checking comes into play.
The fact checking we get on our social media is simply statements from major corporations cause they friggin’ own social media. It’s not real fact checking. But today people, or sheeple rather, believe every lie they hear cause that’s all they know.
Again, they’ve been programming us since birth. I’ve always had a problem with not necessarily authority, but okay with them too. And now I know why. Or just play the video:
But I highly suggest you watch ’em all and educate yourself on what’s really going on in our world. It’s sick, it’s disturbing and it’s real. How do we fix it? I have no idea.
I’m just a pawn in their game like you but now this little pawn is about to dedicate herself to informing whoever she can reach through this here platform to spread the truth in hopes to get as many people as possible to get their friggin’ heads outta the sand.
“How do we fix it? I have no idea.”
We can probably start by putting Trump back in office considering he’s the one trying to bring Pedogate down. Why do you think they’ve been fighting so hard since day one to keep him out of office. The video link will explain it better than I can. Man, this is some sick shit.
This video doesn’t even touch on the Wayfair scandal. Wow. Sicker shit. Selling people makes me sick to my stomach. I didn’t upload those, but again, check out and you can see that too. Hollywood has a pedophilia problem people. It’s gross. It’s satanic.
I knew from the beginning what we’re going through today isn’t about the flu. It’s a spiritual warfare people and you best pray you’re on the right side. There was another interesting video on satanic symbolism and how much there is and it’s all associated with Saturn. Yes the planet Saturn, it’s worshiped by more than you know. It’s crazy, I had no idea.
The funny part, to me, is that Satan needs symbolism. No surprise though, Satan is a fallen angel who wants to be God. God is, well God is just God. You open your eyes to nature and you see God’s natural symbolism everywhere.
The sky and it’s clouds. Look in the forest and it’s trees, it’s animals. The ocean and it’s waves, it’s tides, it’s occupants. Look in the mirror and that’s where you’ll see his most precious symbol….you.
— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader
Agenda 21
Great Reset
Project lockstep