The Soul Speaks

This is a sensitive time of personal development, spiritual awakening and enlightenment so it’s imperative to stay positive and optimistic about the future. Don’t allow fears or doubts to stop or hinder you from pursuing what your heart and soul are prompting. Be true to yourself in every way and do not compromise your truths, your values or your principles for anybody. Beautiful things happen in your life when you remove yourself from fears, negativities, falsehoods and drama. Let ’em all go.

Some think signs and synchronicities are coincidences, tricks of the mind or just our imagination. But for those who have their spiritual eyes wide open, we know that they are opportunities to receive blessings from the Universe. You certainly wouldn’t want to lose a miracle that could change your life for the better simply due to a closed-mind keeping ones eyes shut.

Learn to trust your inner-wisdom and intuition from the angels and your guides and take positive action in the direction of your dreams and hearts desires. For many this incarnation is all about soul growth throughout all space and time so here are some things your soul wants you to remember…

* You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be and everything happens for a reason. Every person and every situation in your life is here to help you discover more about yourself so you can evolve into a more conscious and empowered being. Surrender any control and don’t be afraid to ask for help. We’re here for the adventure and to discover, create and express ourselves while learning and expanding through experience. Even though it may not seem like it sometimes, trust that all is well.

* Self-esteem and self-worth are measured by you and you alone!  If you’re looking for approval and validation from outside sources you’ll never be happy. Learn to not or to stop people-pleasing and enjoy your own company. Figure out your passions and what it is that sparks joy in your life. Joy matters. Joy is your inner-compass on where to go next.

*Let go of fear. Two universal truths are fear and love, equally oppositioned. To remain in a state of pure love, which is the existence of life itself, one must not live or be led by fear.

* Learn to change your perspectives, especially when times are tough. Always find something to be grateful for no matter what while embracing the here and now. Emotions such as conflict, worry, guilt and regret stem from the fact that you’re not living in the present moment. Focus more on self-love and acceptance rather than self-loathing and fixing. When you’re able to show yourself compassion and unconditional love you’ll be surprised how unhealthy thought patterns and old behaviors naturally start to fade away. Have the courage to be your unique self.

* Don’t dwell on the past and dream about the future instead. Realize today your dreams of tomorrow and remember that your past actions were to help you learn and evolve. Whether you believe it or not we are all loved unconditionally beyond comprehension. Find fulfillment within yourself and the whole world will reflect your wholeness.

* Situations are only temporary. Say to yourself, “this too shall pass.” Things don’t last in this realm forever because the Universe is always evolving and so are we.

* Know you have what it takes. Everything is within you. Make yourself known by standing out in the crowd through your strength, courage, compassion and love. Your talents and skills that motivate you already exist inside you and are all you need to succeed so believe in yourself.

* Remember where you came from. When you understand the beginning you truly know the ending. We are all energy. An energy, a consciousness, a soul that never dies.

* We are never alone. What lies beyond the veil of physics is energy and creation. We are always surrounded by the unseen. We are spiritual beings living a human experience.

* See your problems as opportunities in disguise and that’s exactly what they’ll be. Stepping stones to make you better. Success happens when you choose to take the next step and move on past any failures. It’s easy for others to judge when they aren’t taking any risks or trying to better themselves so pay them no attention. Let them label you crazy because once you succeed you’ll be labeled the latter.

Love and Light