The Truth About Angels

There is a benevolent system of assistance that is specific to this planet. Angels come when they’re needed at various points for humanity as a whole and also for humans on an individual basis. Angels are spectacular. Not a single one is corporeal, they do not have physical bodies nor have they ever had one. They are multidimensional and much like God they have been humanized. We’ve put wings and halos and have them in white representing purity.

Moses saw an angel with the burning bush, a ball of fire not consumed by itself. Every single report of the presence of an angel in the Bible says ‘fear not’ because when they look like fire they can be scary. Angels are so grand that some can’t even look at them, they say fear not as they present themselves in all their beauty and majesty. They are also iridescent, think of the end of the movie Abyss, that’s how I see ’em anyway. One of the best parts about angels is they appear when you least expect it, coming at you with a ball of energy. They may present themselves with wings wearing white because that is much easier on the eyes and is usually what’s reported with near death experiences.

Angels are a collective and I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that when you call one you call them all. They are a soup of angelic power speaking with many voices. They speak in your head and not vibrationally in the air. Angels do not speak to crowds, they speak individually to one human or another and it’s a collective voice of many although you hear it as one.

What about the archangels, what about Archangel Michael? A group and a powerful one at that. There is no hierarchy of angels, none are above any other. They are the soup of God and all are identically majestic. They are here with purpose and one of those purposes is to give messages when need be to help accelerate the benevolence of the Love of God to humanity.

Angels are the ones in the hospitals helping those teetering on the their last breaths, the ones who are about to give up. They appear and hold their hand and say don’t do it because we need you. The angels are there with those who are seemingly passing over and have a near death experience. The angels meet them and take them by the hand and bring them back. Angels will touch you on the shoulder to get your attention. Angels put thoughts and ideas in your head to give you direction and encouragement. This is what angels do.

This is also what angels do. I’ll never forget when I was riding my bike home after my shift at the group home and my head must’ve been in the clouds because I wasn’t paying attention…at all. In a split second I looked up and missed running right into the back of a vehicle by the breath of my gasp. I thanked something and I’m gonna vote it was an angel.

How ’bout my recent trip to Colorado when I thought it was a good idea to drive straight through in the middle of the night. It wasn’t until I had a few hours left after being on the road for maybe thirteen hours. I asked for help to get me through the remaining home stretch because I was struggling. I was able to make it but I’m convinced it was because I had help from my angels.

Or when I was riding my bike at night on my way to the library when I went up what I thought was a driveway. I remember it being a rough transition because I almost crashed. The next time I did it again it was daytime and come to find out it wasn’t a driveway at all, it was an inch shy of a curb. I just recall my mind being blown wondering how the heck I even made it. And then it dawned on me, oh okay, I’m gonna vote it was a metaphoric angel wing that graciously lifted me up so I wouldn’t crash.

Another example was when I was riding my bike to the grocery store, this was when I was first in my car and learning who to talk to and who to stay away from. I was being followed by an individual who didn’t have a very good reputation, in fact I was told he was dangerous. I’ve even heard people refer to him as a predator. I didn’t know how I was gonna shake him when all of a sudden the chain on his bike broke. I knew it Archangel Michael protecting me. The list goes on and I would even go so far as to say they’re all little divine interventions.

Archangel Michael is a group, it just looks like a hierarchal angel because the messages are delivered in a specific area of importance to the planet. Archangel Michael will tell you that he is one of many. All are grand, all are majestic, all are beautiful and all with the Love of God. Angels are all benevolent and all are here to be of service to humanity.

For whatever reason humans like to have hierarchy’s of importance. Look at Lucifer for example. Here’s an angel who doesn’t like what’s going on in Heaven so he left. That’s just silly. Nobody and nothing leaves the soup of God. To think that one of the angels left and decided to go to hell is actually pretty funny, to me anyway.

The soup which is the energy of Spirit is finite, it’s always the same quantity if that’s what you wanna say but nothing has quantity in a quantum soup. There is only a quantification of the kinds of energy and it stays together. It stays together like a mist that never moves out of containment, you can’t take part of it away or else it wouldn’t exist. Angels really are one. Angels don’t become humans and humans don’t become angels. To say one is an Earth angel like how I describe myself is simply a metaphor. Angels will always be angels and helpers like Kryon will always be helpers.

And there you have the truth about angels.

Love and Light