They & Aaron Abke

There’s so many different “they” categories but the one I’m referring to in this blog post is the elite. The corrupt and very much visible, just not to the public eye, they. If you haven’t noticed there is something brewing on our planet. The breakthrough that’s following the breakdown is approaching. Unfortunately we have to go through the breakdown which is painful, somewhat lengthy and unpredictable but is currently in motion. It’s the pendulum that has definitely started to swing the other direction and is simply unstoppable.

I’ve heard it explained that we, society, had two choices and being the humans that we are we chose the latter. We could’ve chosen spiritual awareness but with so many asleep we instead chose the hard way which is why we’re seeing so much negativity and corruption. But the flip side and the beauty of it is that with all this upheaval, that’s when we will come together and unify. At the precipice we will change. I’ll use Maui as an example. Maui holds a special place in my heart and those fires were not natural and were actually very deliberate and very mean. Much like 9/11 but I won’t go there today. But as a result that already close community is coming together even more so to fight back. In doing so the rest of us watching from afar are seeing too and as a result more and more people are waking up to truths.

We are learning the hard way, maybe it just makes super sense to me because that was my theme there for a while, or the first half of my life anyway lol. Luckily I’m now wide awake and see the spiritual side to everything, I see the Universal (God) Laws and have a pretty good grasp on how this beautiful planet of ours, and everything we cannot see, operates. And for that I say thank you. What is on the horizon can and will completely transform our understanding of our world revealing so many truth bombs that’ve been kept hidden from us. Change is happening. The deactivation of a hidden government that has been controlling us for centuries using their secret power and advanced “alien” technology is in motion.

Side note, and don’t shoot the messenger but I heard through the grapevine that our military has been in contact with extraterrestrials for however long, doesn’t matter how long, but they’ve been exchanging humans for advanced technology. Makes sense to me. Abductions. The advanced technology that the military has but has been kept a secret. Sad really. But true, in my opinion.

This hidden government isn’t the one we see on TV and it’s not the government we think of on a daily, those are just the puppets. There is a shadowy network of elites , corporations, secret societies and extraterrestrials that’ve been manipulating us behind the scenes who’ve been using their influence to start (money-making) wars, create (money-making) diseases, spread lies causing fear and separation. Weather modification and geoengineering. They’ve been brainwashing us keeping us dumbed-down through propaganda with the hopes of keeping us ignorant to all their deception. They’ve been using the traded technology to create weapons of mass destruction, artificial intelligence, mind control and portals to other dimensions. Yes portals to other dimensions because portals are very real.

Luckily the jig is up. For those who aren’t even a little aware of all this, it will be a pretty rude awakening but it is what it is. That’s why so many of us have incarnated here right now, to hold the light and be the anchors of positivity and compassion when it’s about to feel like our world is crumbling. The world isn’t crumbling but their narrative is. A (big) group of brave warriors from the Light Forces, a bunch of Jedi’s, have been working tirelessly to expose and dismantle these covert operations. Many of us have been receiving codes, clues, synchronicities, channelings and inspiration to prepare us for the Great Awakening so we can free humanity from all the slavery that exists on every level.

“They” will resist of course and fight back in any way possible without a single concern for humanity as a whole. They don’t care. All they care about is themselves, and why wouldn’t they? They’re a group of sociopathic, narcissistic, dark, evil, greedy people. Some would argue they aren’t even human but that’s a conversation for another day. The entire world is about to discover what they really are, what everything really is and how we’ve been manipulated and lied to. It will be a shock to those who’ve been living in a false reality and believe me my mind continues to be blown as I continue to learn. The key to it all is having an open mind and embracing the possibilities that maybe, just maybe our history books are wrong, religion is wrong, everything we’ve been taught is wrong in some aspect or another.

Some will get angry, many will be even more scared than they already are, so many emotions are about to surface and that’s okay, it’s all a part of the awakening so we can learn and grow and more importantly so we can heal. We, collectively, are here for many reason but more specifically we are here in this schoolroom Earth to learn and heal, and do it through our five senses of course. Know that we are supported by the Light that will be lovingly guiding us through this transition to help us understand what is happening. The support will also come from our neighbors, a term I use loosely, as it also encompasses brothers and sisters and the like. Together we will come together as a global community to help each other with forgiveness, love and compassion, empathy and understanding sharing our wisdom, our stories, our feelings and God-given gifts. We all have ’em.

It’s been explained to me that the second coming of Christ is actually humanities awakening. It’s time to either change what you can or accept what you can’t. We’re in the midst of cleansing ourselves to make space for a better way of living, one ruled by unity and oneness. There’s those of us already awakened who are here to hold space in God’s way so when humanity decides they’ve had enough and they’re ready for change, we’ll be here waiting and holding the light. It’s time to learn the truth, it’s time to celebrate our uniqueness’s and diversity, our freedom and sovereignty creating a New Earth based on peace, harmony and cooperation. We’re in this together and I take pride in walking a path illuminated by a higher power who wants nothing more than to see humanity come together and prosper. It’s our birthright.

I’ve shared Aaron Abke before, I like what he has to say. I don’t know enough about law, I don’t think most of us know anything about law, real law anyway. I know I’ve seen my name in big black bold letters probably half a dozen times (or more) and have found myself standing at a podium or behind a lawyer shitting my pants listening to what a judge has to say whether I like it or not but this video really sheds some light on how the law really works. Very interesting. I think this is one of the keys to exposing the elites and some of their shenanigans. In the event I can’t copy and paste this video, here’s the link.


Breakdown <——-> Breakthrough

Micro <——->Macro

As Above <——-> So Below

Everything’s connected


Love and Light