Third Time’s a Charm, Right?

Third Time’s a Charm, Right?

Started my new volunteer position today. Third times a charm, right? Right. I forgot all about the second kind of unconditional love. The first being from a good mother of course. And that’s the one from dogs. You can tell some, if not most, of these dogs have been abused some how.

It’s obvious from the flinching when you get too close or  move too fast or the blatant scars on their poor little faces. And even after all the shit they’ve been through they still wag their tails and are just desperate for some attention and some love.

So yeah, pretty straight forward, clean the pens, pick up poop and everybody gets fed. So annoying though, these volunteer programs could be so much better with a little extra thought and effort, I mean it’s not rocket science. For example, it would be nice, and/or smart to have a list of common phrases on the wall.

Granted we’ve come to their country so learning their language would be the right thing to do, and many of us are. They all speak a little English too, don’t let them fool ya. YEARS of volunteers coming through and they don’t speak any English? I call bullshit on that.

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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