To Dream Or Not To Dream (and that’s not even my question)

If I didn’t know how much I’m protected and taken care of before, I do now. I also know why. Hidden in plain sight is the understatement of the year. Earth angelic of the 144, the experiment, the high priestess, the ascended master (explains my 133’s these past few months and 3’s in general), the keeper of knowledge, that’s all me. Well no wonder I need to build my confidence, I have a lot of shit to do lol. When the time is right it will all come full circle. Needless to say I received more clarification on who I am and what I’m here to do but for the first time I’m not sure if I can disclose it all. I heard many moons ago I need to treat my gifts like a new born baby (protecting it at all cost) and I can’t help but wonder if that dream I had a couple weeks ago where I was breast feeding my new born was a reference to just that.

Speaking of dreams, I had another wild dream experience last night. I know for a fact it wasn’t a dream because it woke me up from one. I know it wasn’t part of my dream because I remember it perfectly. I woke up to the familiar beeping sounds of construction work and the distinct sound of someone spraying outside my window, like they were spraying for bugs, that’s the first thing that came to my mind anyway. I remember thinking who the bleep is doing construction at this hour? I got up and looked through my window to absolutely see construction happening across the street, it was however lit up like it was daytime, but only across the street. I then went to the kitchen to check the time, it was 2:21am. I shook my head in disbelief, went potty and crawled back into bed and went back to sleep. In retrospect I wish I would’ve watched longer because I didn’t even see who was spraying what.

I woke up a little confused questioning myself as to whether or not that was a dream but I know it wasn’t. It’s also not the first time I’ve experienced something to that nature. I don’t know maybe a year ago I woke up to the sound of a woman screaming in such a way it alarmed me. I don’t recall the hour but it was the middle of the night. I remember even thinking to myself maybe I should call the police. I saw clear as day a woman in the church courtyard in what seemed like agony. I watched her for perhaps five minutes. I watched her disappear behind a gate with her phone as she was trying to call someone, I watched her lay on the grass and when she did (out of sight due to a little wall) it stopped and I went back to bed. A few months ago I saw that almost exact scenario unfold, this time is was during the day and I knew exactly who it was.

I’m not sure what all this means exactly, not yet anyway but I can’t help but feel like it’s some kind of introduction to the ability to foresee future events? Only what they allow me to see anyway. I don’t know how else to explain it. I don’t even feel comfortable sharing it but the words are just coming out as I type right now which is a clear indicator of divine flow. I journaled about it when it happened. Here is where we would go to a commercial break while I go look for it. It took a minute, not long actually, I knew exactly where it was just not which journal but I found my entry and it happened almost a year ago to date, it was August 12, 2023. Don’t mind my cursive, my penmanship isn’t all that great fresh outta dream state. I woke up the following morning to write this…

Wild stuff.

I shared an intimate moment with a customer last weekend. Her transaction had the angel number 444 in it and when I pointed it out she turned to her friend and said it was her mom. In that moment I was running her credit card and the time on our machine (which is three hours ahead) was 4:44. When I told her that she got teary-eyed and so did I as I told her I was one big goose bump. It was beautiful and it’s moments like these that remind me why I’m running a register on the pier in Huntington Beach. Even if it’s just for a short period of time, I’m making a difference and reassuring people the spirit realm is real.

It just dawned on me right this second that those angel numbers that show up on the register aren’t always for me. They’re for my customers too. It’s an opportunity for me to strike up a conversation, some bite and some don’t but it’s definitely my job to point it out. Wow that’s pretty cool, especially when I think of the ones that do bite and I’m able to have memorable and maybe even life changing conversations with, I hope it does change lives.

Three hours later I was sitting in my chair at work doing whatever when something out of my peripheral caught my eye, it was my phone that was charging to my right. When I turned to look it had lit up like a Christmas tree and it just happened to be 4:44 again. I smiled and laughed a little as I expressed my gratitude for my angel numbers all day everyday and the never ending unconditional love I receive from the other side of the veil all day everyday. However longer later that evening I found a penny and a feather in the same corner of the store. My bad it’s a dime upon looking closer.


Speaking of pennies though, I went skating this past Wednesday and found one in my own private skate rink aka parking lot. I don’t know what took me so long but I’m out there now and couldn’t be more grateful for the beauty of Huntington Beach. I don’t know where my future is taking me, I’ll go wherever the light leads me where I can be of service to others. Until then I’m doing my best to soak up the awesomeness of my current surroundings.

Like I said I recorded this video on a Wednesday which is also hump day in my world so in case you haven’t laughed today here’s one of my all time favorite commercials. Dang remember when commercials were a thing, and then we were all excited when we could TiVo right through ’em. Now they’re simply a thing of the past. Ever evolving. You’re welcome Geico, thanks for a bitchen commercial.


In my world this translates into take the next step with the Pleiadians. It’s also step by step to well deserved rewards

I’m touching and changing lives on a small scale these days and have been since the beginning of my journey, actually I’ve been doing that long before my official journey began now that I think about it. It hasn’t always been in a positive way either but at the same time it wasn’t always meant to be. Chaos is a great catalyst for change. I think it’s pretty safe to say I’ve been a catalyst for some while also acting as a mirror for others. I have lost friendships because of it without having any idea that’s what was happening. It’s all by design and I’ve been doing it my whole life without the realization. I can only imagine what it’s gonna look like when I finally do step into the shoes I was sent here to wear. I’m sure it will be simply magical, and for that I say thank you.

Peace, Joy, Love and Light