Topher In Paris, Bellagio & New York New York

Topher (Christopher) and my brother were friends for roughly forty years so he’s been in my life for about the same. He’s such a good guy with an amazing heart and just oozes kindness and compassion and has the best sense of humor. I’m truly grateful for his friendship and my brothers passing has only brought us closer. Him and his family have been in Vegas for a while so it’s always nice to seem him. I hadn’t seen him since my last trip to Vegas but it’s all good because like with any true friend you just pick up where you left off. We had lunch today at a French bistro and shared some stories and laughter.

The architecture in all the casinos is next level


I wasn’t gonna post the first picture because I was like, noooo take another one, that one shows my meat wing. And like any quick-witted funny-ass friend, he replied with, “want some ranch with that wing?” His comebacks are quick and I laughed so hard the whole restaurant heard so I had to share. Laughter’s the best medicine after all, another one of my clichés that’s an absolute truth. Such a good guy, love him to pieces. Thanks for lunch Topher.

As I was walking though the casino to leave, I was gifted a free crystal, so nice thank you. And the day wouldn’t be complete without a picture with Darth Vader and a stormtrooper. They tried to hustle me but little did they know I can’t be bullied anymore, lovingly or otherwise. They didn’t think my five dollars was a good enough tip (for taking two seconds to pose) so I told him to make it enough with a wink and a smile. I didn’t really wink, I’m not a winker.

Nest stop, Bellagio, and I gotta say, it had my mother written all over it. I smiled from ear to ear as I walked through this beautiful casino knowing she’s right there with me and seeing everything through my eyes. Even saw a feather as I was walking through the shopping area. Thanks momma.

The Bellagio has its very own Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. Each season the Horticulture and Engineering teams transform a 14,000-sq-ft Botanical Gardens into a showcase of inspiring sights, smells and colors. Absolutely…breathtakingly…beautiful.

Hey look, it’s a Suzeme doorway, yes please.

All these pictures remind me of how beautiful my mothers garden used to be.

What a great day at it’s not even over yet.

The monorail is pretty cool, not as big of a deal as I anticipated it to be. It runs from MGM Grand to Harrah’s, total time is 20 minutes. It’s $6 one way and $15 for a 24 hour pass.

I liked the mountains

After riding the whole thing for S & G’s (shits and giggles) I got off at MGM because I wanted to ride the rollercoaster at New York New York. As many times as I’ve been to Vegas the rollercoaster was never on my radar but it was today. $23 to ride after 6pm, I guess it was worth it, kinda hard to enjoy the ride and the scenery at the same time but it was fun. Then again I can have fun at a bus stop so a rollercoaster in Vegas is a no brainer. As I was walking back through the casino I looked down at the just right time (no surprise there) to see two pennies under a bar stool. Two pennies again! So awesome. I took two pictures of ’em and wouldn’t you know it, Spirit messed with both of ’em. I love it.

A little tribute to my Leo Rising

camera 1
camera 2
I am a child of God
I am limitless
I am love

Love and Light