
I like talking about things nobody wants to talk about. By definition transhumanism is a philosophical and intellectual movement which advocates the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies that can greatly enhance longevity and cognition. It’s a class of philosophies that seeks to guide us towards post human conditions, sharing many elements of humanism including a respect for reason and science. It’s a commitment to progress and a valuing of human (or transhuman) existence in this life.

The only existence in this life that we need to be valuing is on a soul level and as far as I’m concerned transhumanism is extremely dangerous and it’s exactly where they want us to tread. One of the biggest concerns for me is the misuse of technology and I’ve been saying for decades that technology will be our demise. It’s just another way for them to pull us away from our Creator by dragging us further into the matrix which is simply their illusion they want to control us in.

It’s a type of futuristic philosophy that wants to transform the human species by means of biotechnologies and make no mistake it’s already happening and has been for only God knows how long. Don’t even get me started with Hollywood and immortality, wanting to live forever by stealing children and committing unspeakable acts along with all the sick pedophilia and doing whatever it takes to achieve that immortality. These are some of the things I’m talking about when I say I know things that I wish I didn’t know because it’s disturbing and it’s heartbreaking and unfortunately at the end of the day it is happening.

Zuckerberg, ugh another demonic sellout. He’s so gross. I’m still on Facebook I’ll admit it but it’s the easiest way to keep in touch with old school friends. Most of my friends are from high school or the Placentia-Yorba Linda and Brea area. I have an Instagram account but don’t use it, I should probably just delete it as it’s just another form of Facebook but you don’t need me to tell you that.

And don’t let that Meta symbol fool you, it’s just a rotating empty circle that looks like an innocent infinity. Symbolism, that’s something else that need not be ignored but that’s a post for another day. Symbolism is literally everywhere, especially subliminal. Cough cough Disney and television in general.

I mean my goodness, it says it right there…one billion people around the world and driving them all! HELLO does anyone else not see that and interpret what that really means? Yellow and blue, another form of symbolism that I won’t go into detail today. It’s only a  matter of time before I delete my Facebook, I mean my friends know where to find me and I’m really not that hard to find in the first place.

Facebook can suck it, along with all the major corrupt corporations. While it has, for lack of a better phrase, been good to me now it’s about to go too far. But then again it’s doing exactly what it was intended to do all along because let’s be real the Great Reset and New World Order is far from new.

What I don’t get is why they want to be immortal in the first place, that just goes to show how stupid they are because we already are immortal, our souls live for eternity. Why you would want to be immortal on Earth for a single lifetime is beyond me but again that just goes to show how ignorant the elite are when it comes to what life is really all about.

Oh that’s right, they’re from the deepest depths of darkness and don’t have the luxury of a life review when they transition and a chance to make it right in another lifetime. For them it’s all about materialistic bullshit and money while destroying humanity along with anything and everything in their path that might get in their way to achieve it.

They’re forgetting whats it’s all about because they really don’t care about anything but themselves. What life is supposed to be all about is compassion, understanding, forgiveness and unconditional love, bettering ourselves while working together as a community to live a happy life of unity and wholeness together so don’t be fooled.

Love and Light