Tri-City Park Nostalgia & Spoiler Alerts

Another reason I thoroughly enjoy my job is on the weekends we take half the staff and half the kids and go do activities. This past Saturday my coworker and I took four of our friends out and about starting with a road trip to Placentia, or often called P-town. Not gonna lie I was feeling quite nostalgic with a trip down memory lane visiting Tri-City Park. I have a lot of memories at this park, and neighborhood, as I lived down the street while attending elementary school and junior high.

Golden Elementary School, so many memories from playing the trumpet to square dancing and tether ball. Next door is George Key School and is where I fell in love with everything special needs. In sixth grade we had the opportunity to volunteer so I did just that every Friday, along with the following couple summers. I didn’t realize then how much I would value the “gift”, as many call it, working with the mentally and physically fragile.

The road trip wouldn’t be complete of course without a day in the life of angel numbers and synchronicities lol…

Those were the ones I was actually quick enough to capture. We ended our trip by taking PCH from Dana Point back to Huntington, I love the coast line. It’s 15:55 as I create this post.

My coworker didn’t really understand the concept of angel numbers, some people just don’t believe, and kinda shook his head every time I grabbed my camera to take a snapshot of a bunch of repeating numbers, and that’s okay because like I’ve mentioned before they’re all still very much asleep to our shattered reality. That’s not completely true, Maria, the housekeeper is very much awake and I’m super grateful to have at least one confidant to discuss all the nonsense with. We have to be very careful though, I’m not trying to start any heated debates.

It’s not my job to wake these people up, in fact it’s not my job to go out and search for anybody to wake up. I learned that real quick in the beginning of my journey that I’m not here to shove information down people’s throats, in fact I don’t even advertise my website anymore. I did in the beginning but like I said I learned real quick that some people don’t want to hear it. Some people really don’t wanna hear it lol and that’s okay. I’ve since learned most will wake up in their own time and in their own way. The people who do read my blog are the people I do tell because they are awake, or those who stumble across it because they’re searching for the truth themselves.

Spiritual awakenings have many levels and are different for every single person but a common denominator in all of them is when somebody is finally waking up to the point where they’re seeking truth. When they finally are realizing, by no fault of their own, that we’ve been living a big fat lie and their eyes are finally opening up, their minds are opening up and now they’re on a mission of their own to seek truth.

Didn’t I just say Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci seem to be in a race to see who can best represent the devil? I swear if I had a dollar for every time I said something, or wrote about something, and then saw it in print one way or another I’d have my cottage in Ireland already. These two, along with Klaus Schwab, they all make me want to vomit. Who elected any of them anyway, and for anything???