I can’t help but feel as though I’m currently working on mastering my mind which come to find out is much harder than emotions. I’ve been working on controlling my thoughts and what not for some time but this is different. I feel like I’m in the middle of the biggest trust fall with Spirit.
Your angels are asking you to have faith in this new phase of your life. There is no need to worry because your angels are right at your side. You are being protected throughout your journey.
I hope this new phase is a quick one because it’s somewhat uncomfortable. But I know what the word of the day is right now and that’s trust, knowing they won’t let me fall. My mantra right this second is Spirit’s got me.
I can’t help but feel like I’ll move forward when my savings runs out, otherwise why would I have to trust. I have to keep telling myself, or reminding myself rather, that I always have whatever I need when I need it. Without fail since the beginning of my journey everything has showed up right when I needed it. You could also call that divine timing, either way I have to practice what I preach when I say no worries.
If there’s anything I’ve learned about Spirit, it’s that you can’t rush anything. And I’m not in charge so I just do what ever it is I need to do, and right now that’s have faith. Faith that my life line will be tossed when the timing is right. Nothing says confirmation like starting this article and then seeing this…
My ‘job’ these days is to be healthy and that’s mentally, physically and emotionally. Body, mind and spirit is the name of the game and I’m on it. I also have to be patient, but then again when am I not practicing the art of patience? I think they get a big kick out of making me half fire and then having me wait for everything. I watched a movie last night about a girl who went from being homeless to attending Harvard and my takeaway was I need to push myself harder and by that I mean going further within.
My job right now is to be active so on a physical level I’m up with the sun roller skating. Every morning I walk down to the beach with one skate in my left hand and the other in my right. I put ’em both in shopping bags so I can give my arms a workout too. I do yoga four times a week and a body pump class every Wednesday, which kicks my ass every time. They say the exercises you find the hardest are probably the ones you need the most and I concur because sit-ups and weight lifting aren’t my favorite.
This happened the other morning. I had just put my skates on and like every morning I say a little prayer asking for grace while I skate and giving gratitude for just being there and after I said thank you (out lout) my google assistant chimed in with telling me you’re welcome. I laughed with amazement. The way I see it, it was my team letting me know they hear me and make no mistake, they do. But what a treat to have ’em come through my headphones like that. I love it.
One of my bosses texted me while I was on my road trip and in so many words wanted me to come back but by doing that I would be saying to the universe I don’t trust you. It’s also a classic case (and cliché), for them anyway, that you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. One thing about not working on the pier I’m grateful for is I have my weekends back of course but it’s also I don’t feel rushed to do anything. Plenty of time to meditate, right? I’m onto ’em. Being back makes me appreciate my routines that much more.
My job right now is also to write. Once I’m done recapping my trip which I have to finish because I have a lot of pictures of my beautiful country I would like to share. Once I complete that I will dive deeper into the nitty gritty of my blog. I know how to type and post but that’s about it. I know WordPress offers free classes and I plan on learning how to do more. While I do like the simplicity of it, there’s always room for improvement.
My job is to be active wirh my spiritual practices and connecting more with Spirit. I know I’ve said before that times are different, and they are, so the mediation process is different. But I also know while I’m working on mastering my mind the best I thing I can do for it is quiet it. I have been working on quieting my mind more in the mornings because when you’re able to quiet your mind you can hear messages more clearly and this is the last one I received. They’re not humbling me, they’re hiding me and have been since the day I was born.
Love and Light