Trusting It’s Go Time

Life can change in an instant or feel like it takes a lifetime. It’s Friday night, just got home from my shift and it just so happens to be what would’ve been my brothers birthday September 20th. It became clear tonight that my time at Surf City is coming to an end. There’s things that are and have been transpiring, not necessarily with me, that had me thinking the environment was becoming a little toxic. I’ll spare the details because they aren’t important but when I arrived for my shift my coworker brought something to my attention that had me saying (to myself) wow, sounds like the universe is trying to push you outta here.

I also felt caught in the middle and was quite consciously aware of how I was handling it by what was coming out of my mouth. I couldn’t help but wonder why I was even in the middle of this kind of energy again. It was starting to remind me of certain behaviors in the group home and I’ve already learned those lessons. Well no sooner later a group text for the store came through that changed everything. It was somewhat petty and sometimes enough is enough and I felt my heart literally ache when I read it. The next thought that went through my mind was damn if I didn’t know any better I’d say the universe is trying to push me out too. And in that exact moment I turned around to help a customer at the register and she didn’t just have a tattoo, she had one in the middle of her neck front and center with block letters that read…


On top of that she had 777 and 333 tattooed on her arms. My mind was blown and I said to her that she had no idea how much I needed to see her tattoo in that moment and she replied with the fact that it was no accident and I of course was meant to see it because that’s how the universe works. I then helped her friend who also had angel number tattoos and it was all I could do to contain myself. Within the next ten minutes or so a flood of thoughts permeated my brain of this that and the other. It was flooded with little blips of memories of things I’ve heard and read in the past few weeks, all of which were pointing me in the direction that my time working on the pier was finally coming to an end. I have learnt everything I needed to from this job and believe me I learned a lot from each and every one of ’em. I was then able to see clearly the ending of the cycle, the conclusion to this phase and perhaps even the completion of my time in Huntington Beach on the horizon.

An indescribable sense of relief swept over my entire body, my mood lifted to heights I’ve since struggled to achieve for the past few months and for the first time in a long time I felt so much joy. The biggest weight I’ve been carrying had finally been lifted as I started to put the next puzzle pieces together. The signs and synchronicities and confirmations of how I was feeling and even better, the knowing, knowing yes it was go time and my next step was contemplating my two week notice. The answer to that came after looking at the calendar, coincidentally (I use that term loosely of course) it would be almost two weeks from today. Sunday October 6th would be my last day. The following day I would be boarding a plane to New York and it will be the first day of my new chapter, perhaps my new book, not to mention the rest of my life. Oh the joy of anticipation, was this really happening?

My next customer muttered something about being pushed out of Huntington Beach for whatever reason however long ago. He told me the story but all I heard was pushed out. I’d been hearing through random ways that my intuition was on point and that’s that I had outgrown just about everything. My church, the skate center, Knotts Berry Farm, people, and now my job. I felt like my walls have been closing in and with good reason, they were. The confirmations kept coming throughout the rest of the evening, a reading from the Nordic Light and then another from Secret Shaman Oracles. I even had a customer with a credit card that said ‘greenlight’ which spoke volumes to me the second I saw it, so much so I almost cried and asked if I could take a picture. I had to briefly explain that her credit card solidified a beautiful moment between myself and the universe and that’s that it was my green light to move forward. Unbeknownst to her because I didn’t tell her this much but it was my green light to give my two week notice.

It only got better when I got home. I sat down to pull some cards the second I walked through the door. I called in Spirit while saying with all my heart and soul that I needed to hear from them urgently, please show me this is really happening I said, I pleaded that I needed to hear from them and these are the cards that I pulled.

With every next card I cried a little harder and by the end I was weeping like a little child who was lost in a crowd and had finally been reunited with her mother. I sobbed. For the first time since the beginning of my journey I finally felt like it really was all for purpose. I’ve been saying that I’m here with purpose for a while but for the first time I really felt it. All my anxieties were gone in that moment and all I could do at that point was beg to not doubt any of it for the next few weeks, please I said out loud, please don’t let me doubt any of this.

Why would I doubt it, how could I doubt it, I’m God’s ground crew, I’m one of the 144,000, I’m the wayshower who’s climbed mountain after mountain to better herself on every level to clear the path for the rest of humanity. For the first time ever I truly truly believed it. Now it’s going to take all the blind faith I have to continue taking the biggest leap of faith I’ve ever had to take knowing with every fiber of my being it’s go time. Trust like I’ve never trusted before. It all comes down to trust because that’s all I have to go on now. Trust the universe. Trust my team of invisibles. They see me, they know me. They see my every move, know my thoughts even and now I have to trust that they’ve got me.

All the zeros I’ve been seeing are now making complete sense. The Fool, the beginning card of any classic tarot deck, that’s me about to embark on a new journey, the adventure of a lifetime. I’m not just talking about my road trip, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s go time for the new beginning that’s been teasing me for months if not all year. I’m about to step off the cliff without a single care in the world knowing Spirit has my back. Zeros stand for creation and infinite possibilities and that’s exactly what I’m looking at as a cocreator of the universe in charge of my own destiny, the possibilities are endless. The Fool symbolizes the embrace of a new beginning, the expansion of horizons and the willingness to take risks guided by intuition. It’s a zero because it symbolizes a fresh slate and limitless freedom while being the first of the Major Arcana. It is said to be one of the most powerful, positive and influential cards of the deck.

The only thing I know at this point is that I’m here to be of service to others somehow in the same way I’ve helped myself, and that too is just the tip of the iceberg. I have no idea what’s ahead. On the surface I’m here to help others discover the spirit realm the same way I’ve come to know and trust the unseen. I know I have to fight any doubts that may try to surface with everything I’ve got. Doubts are soul sucking dream crushers, they suck the life out of you, they’re your ego trying to keep you safe when in reality they only hold you back. There’s no room for doubting, only confidence in knowing every single lesson, every assignment was set in place for me to learn and grow, to master my emotions and gain the trust that only comes from an intimate relationship with the divine.

Maybe I’ll find seasonal work upon my return, maybe I’ll do my side hustle. Maybe I’ll freelance because I love to write. Perhaps maybe, just maybe, it’s time to finally start working towards what it is I came here to do. My buddy Scott told me when I was struggling in the water in the beginning of my swim in the ocean that I was afraid of the unknown which couldn’t be further from the truth. I live for the unknown so watch me jump backwards head first off a cliff trusting there will be a lifeline just in the nick of time…because there always is.

My confirmation cards from my team that consists of angels, guides, ancestors, ascended masters, passed on loved ones, extraterrestrial entities, God, Source and so many more…

  • Blessings and Abundance
  • Activation, Magic and Abundance
  • Kinship (Community, Your Group)
  • Don’t Give Up and Embrace The New
  • Celebrate What’s Coming and Helping Others
  • Universal Love and Support

It’s 2:22

Peace, Joy,  Love and Light